
A generic model for using fakes and automocking on top of Machine.Specifications

Primary LanguageC#OtherNOASSERTION

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The main repository is now located under the machine project. This repository will no longer be actively maintained!

What is Machine.Fakes ?

Machine.Fakes is little framework build on top of Machine.Specifications that can best be described as an extended integration layer between Machine.Specifications and different Mock/Fake/Substitute/"However you call them now" frameworks. At the moment of writing I prefer the term "Fake". (What a surprise judging from the name of this project ;-))

Machine.Fakes attempts to simplify the usage of such fake frameworks on top of MSpec by helping to reduce a lot of the typical fake framework related clutter code in specifications.

If you choose so, Machine.Fakes even helps you to stay mostly independent of a concrete fake framework by providing a little wrapper API and a provider model for fake frameworks.

Many credits for the ideas incorporated in this framework go to Jean Paul Boodhoo (http://blog.jpboodhoo.com/) who introduced me to a completely different way of handling Mocks/Fakes/etc during his NothingButDotnet bootcamp. Maybe this a way for me to give something back ...

How to contribute code

  • Login in github (you need an account)
  • Fork the main repository from Github
  • Please contribute only on the dev branch. (We don't develop on the master branch. Only our releases are build from there)
  • Push your changes to your GitHub repository.
  • Send us a pull request

How to get started

Building Machine.Fakes from source

Just download the repository from github and run the build.cmd (or build.NoGit.cmd if you don't have git installed). The build of Machine.Fakes only requires the .NET Framework 4.0 to be installed on your machine. Everything else should work out-of-the-box. If not, please take the time to add an issue to this project. After a succesful build you find all the assemblies in a zip file under the "Release" folder.

Getting Machine.Fakes via the NuGet package manager

If you've got NuGet installed on your machine it gets even easier. Currently there are 5 packages available on NuGet. These are the core framework and the different adapters for Rhino.Mocks, MOQ, NSubstitute and FakeItEasy. If you want to use Machine.Fakes for example with FakeItEasy just go ahead and type

     install-package Machine.Fakes.FakeItEasy

into the package management console and all necessary dependencies including FakeItEasy itself will be downloaded to your machine. The other alternatives are

     install-package Machine.Fakes.RhinoMocks
     install-package Machine.Fakes.NSubstitute
     install-package Machine.Fakes.Moq

How to use it

The core part of Machine.Fakes only consists of two classes: WithFakes and WithSubject<>.


Let's take a look at the simpler one first. By deriving from this class you can use the An<>() and Some<>() (*) methods for creating fakes as well as the extension methods based API for setting up the behavior (**). The WithFakes class only provides the basic fake framework abstraction.

public class Given_the_current_day_is_monday_when_identifying_my_mood : WithFakes
    static MoodIdentifier _subject;
    static string _mood;

    Establish context = () =>
        var monday = new DateTime(2011, 2, 14);
        var systemClock = An<ISystemClock>(); (*)

            .WhenToldTo(x => x.CurrentTime) (**)

        _subject = new MoodIdentifier(systemClock);

    Because of = () => _mood = _subject.IdentifyMood();

    It should_be_pretty_bad = () => _mood.ShouldEqual("Pretty bad");

WhenToldTo is used for setting up a behavior but Machine.Fakes also supports behavior verification on fakes with the WasToldTo and WasNotToldTo extension methods.

public class When_a_method_is_called_on_a_fake : WithFakes
    static IServiceContainer_subject;

    Establish context = () =>
        _subject = An<IServiceContainer>();

    Because of = () => _subject.GetService(null);

    It should_be_able_to_verify_that = () => _subject.WasToldTo(s => s.GetService(null));

Machine.Fakes even provides an abstraction for the various kinds of inline constraints used in the different fake framework flavors using the Param and Param classes.

public class A_person_with_nick_ScottGu : WithFakes
    static VIPChecker _vipChecker;
    static bool _isVip;

    Establish context = () =>
        var specification = An<ISpecification<Person>>();
        _vipChecker = new VIPChecker(specification);

            .WhenToldTo(x => x.IsSatisfiedBy(Param<Person>.Matches(p => p.NickName == "ScottGu")))

    Because of = () => { _isVip = _vipChecker.IsVip(new Person {NickName = "ScottGu"}); };

    It should_be_vip = () => _isVip.ShouldBeTrue();

Those constraints get translatet to the inline constraints of the target framework when Machine.Fakes executes. With this Machine.Fakes even preserves the nice verification error messages from the target frameworks and still allows you to be fake framework independant.

Isn't that cool?


Back to our example with the MoodIdentifier. Do we really need to create the subject of the specification by hand? Can we make it even more simpler? Yes, by introducing the concept of an AutoMockingContainer to the specification. That's exactly what WithSubject does. Here's a modified example.

public class Given_the_current_day_is_monday_when_identifying_my_mood : WithSubject<MoodIdentifier> (*)
    static string _mood;

    Establish context = () =>
        var monday = new DateTime(2011, 2, 14);

        The<ISystemClock>() (**)
            .WhenToldTo(x => x.CurrentTime)

    Because of = () => _mood = Subject.IdentifyMood(); (***)

    It should_be_pretty_bad = () => _mood.ShouldEqual("Pretty bad");

The generic type parameter (*) tells Machine.Fakes what type to create for the specification. Each interface or abstract base class dependency in the constructor of the type will be filled automatically by the configured fake framework. Dependency Injection with fakes so to speak.

You can access the created instance through the lazy "Subject" property (***). The actual subject is created on the first read access to this property. If you want to modify the subject when the context is established, go ahead, you can do so. You can even replace the subject by hand in case the automocking approach falls short.

Having the subject created for us is a good thing but how do we access the injected fake without having a reference to it? That's exactly the purpose of the The<>() method (**) which gives access to the injected dependency.

WithSubject<> and behavior configurations

Re-use in context / specification is an interesting topic. In case you've already used a test case class per fixture setup (like Machine.Specifications does) then I'm pretty sure you've stumpled on this too.

Very often we try to accomplish re-use in classes by using inheritance and of course you can do so with Machine.Fakes. However in .NET you can only inherit once and inheritance may not be the weapon of choice for more cross cutting aspects like for instance time (the ISystemClock used in the example above). Machine.Fakes also offers a composition model for specifications, the behavior configs.

public class BehaviorConfig
    OnEstablish context = fakeAccessor => {};
    OnCleanUp subject => subject => {};

Behavior configs mimic the setup and teardown phases of the context / specification. It currently gives the option of accessing all the fakes in a specification from the outside and cleaning up the subject after a specification. You only need to implement the delegate you need. Machine.Fakes also ignores not initialized delegates. An example for behavior configs in the context of the time might look like this:

public class CurrentTime
    public static DateTime Time { get; set; }

    public CurrentTime(DateTime time) { Time = time; }

    OnEstablish context = fakeAccessor =>
            .WhenToldTo(x => x.CurrentTime)

This is the "Mood" example now using a behavior configuration instead of configuring the fake by itself.

public class Given_the_current_day_is_monday_when_identifying_my_mood : WithSubject<MoodIdentifier>
    static string _mood;

    Establish context = () => With(new CurrentTime(new DateTime(2011, 2, 14)));

    Because of = () => _mood = Subject.IdentifyMood();

    It should_be_pretty_bad = () => _mood.ShouldEqual("Pretty bad");