
Backend REST API of SkyHome Cloud Platform

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

SkyHome Backend

This REST API is for the backend of the local cloud platform "SkyHome". You can use it to install the logic of the web to generates users, create and upload directories/files and more.


To install SkyHome Backend clone the repo in your local machine

git clone https://github.com/MrKrrot/skyhome-backend.git

Now install the dependencies using yarn package manager

yarn install

Once the dependencies are installed create an .env file in root directory. In this file you will create the environment variables that needs the backend to work. These are the names of the variables and what do you need to put in the values:

Name Type Description
PORT number The port that the server will be listening
STORAGE_PATH string Path which storage all the data from all the users
SECRET_TOKEN string The secret keyword to generate and decode user's token
MONGO_DB_URI string Link of the MongoDB database
MONGO_DB_URI_TEST string Link of the MongoDB database for testing

Now that you put the variables in the .env file you can run these commands

For turn on the server

yarn start

For Development

yarn dev


  • /login
    • POST
  • /register
    • POST
  • /folders
    • POST
    • PUT
    • DEL
  • /files
    • POST
    • PUT
    • DEL
  • /users:
    • DEL
    • PUT
  • /fm
    • GET