

KrzYdefC by Mr_KrzYch00
Closed source. Provided as-is without any warranty. Only for private use.

Losslessly converts deflate streams from GZ, ZIP*, ZLIB, PNG to GZ, ZIP, ZLIB, PNG**.

* - only first file found in ZIP file is converted.
** - original PNG file as a source for header is required to convert back,
only first frame is supported in APNG files.

Usage: krzydefc [OPTIONS] INPUT_FILE
(the output file takes the input file name and appends extension of the result)


1. --gzip

   Output to GZ file.

2. --gzipname

   Output to GZ file including filename stored in the GZIP header.

3. --zip

   Output to ZIP file.

4. --zlib

   Output to ZLIB file.

5. --png#

   Creates a new PNG file from the source being the file to copy deflate stream to
   and # being the PNG file to copy header from in order to produce valid output.

Bitcoin: 1KrzY1CwE532e6YjN4aCzgV19gtAzQMatJ
Paypal:  https://www.paypal.me/MrKrzYch00
^ in case You want to reward my work.

           by Mr_KrzYch00