
Farm Buddy is a concept based mobile application, which guide individuals in Sri Lanka, how to plant a crop by tracing the growth of a crop from seed to harvest collecting stage in outdoor (Not for indoor cultivations). Now a days, most of the people have lack of knowledge on how to plant a crop properly specially vegetables. If someone wish to plant a vegetable, he have to meet regional agricultural officer for information. As there are many difficulties when getting information from regional agriculture officer time to time on his location, need of a proper solution arose. Especially in a situation like Covid-19 epidemic. To solve this issue, Farm Buddy can be introduce as a solution with the help of Information Technology. Currently there are no solution implemented for this issue. So this research will plays a major movement in the field of agriculture Sri Lanka. Farm Buddy will be a prototype model flutter application where focused on several crops (2 vegetables will be used to develop prototype model) which will help to determine a common algorithm. There will be two main algorithms, which need to be develop using the data collected from Department of Agriculture, Sri Lanka. One Algorithm is to determine soil condition changes along with the climate changes using google weather API. Second algorithm is to identify plants (Vegetables) growing on selected soil region. By considering soil changes, application will guide user to select the matching crop variety (if Chili is the selected plant, then matching variety of chili for the area that user lives.). For his soil region, application will guide him how to plant selected crop from stage to stage, will provide solutions for situations like onset of diseases/insects on plant using a feedback and suggestion system, which will lead to increase the accuracy of the algorithms. Depending upon the success of the prototype, this can be develop further more for each crop category, so this application will able to cover up all crop categories including all vegetable types, fruit types, all home gardening flower plants etc. During this Covid season, there is plenty of time for people as they working from home. So with the involvement of this application, people can use their time effectively on building and maintaining vegetable/fruit/flower beds in home garden

Primary LanguageDart
