
This is the repository for "Efficient Low-rank Multimodal Fusion with Modality-Specific Factors", Liu and Shen, et. al. ACL 2018.


Python 2.7 (now experimentally has Python 3.6+ support)


You can install the libraries via python -m pip install -r requirements.txt.

Data for Experiments

The processed data for the experiments (CMU-MOSI, IEMOCAP, POM) can be downloaded here:


To run the code, you should download the pickled datasets and put them in the data directory.

Note that there might be NaN values in acoustic features, you could replace them with 0s.

Training Your Model

To run the code for experiments (grid search), use the scripts train_xxx.py. They have some commandline arguments as listed here:

`--run_id`: an user-specified unique ID to ensure that saved results/models don't override each other.

`--epochs`: the number of maximum epochs in training. Since early-stopping is used to prevent overfitting, in actual training the number of epochs could be less than what you specify here.

`--patience`: if the model performance does not improve in `--patience` many validation evaluations consecutively, the training will early-stop.

`output_dim`: output dimension of the model. Default value in each script should work.

`signiture`: an optional string that's added to the output file name. Intended to use as some sort of comment.

`cuda`: whether or not to use GPU in training. If not specified, will use CPU.

`data_path`: the path to the data directory. Defaults to './data', but if you prefer storing the data else where you can change this.

`model_path`: the path to the directory where models will be saved.

`output_path`: the path to the directory where the grid search results will be saved.

`max_len`: the maximum length of training data sequences. Longer/shorter sequences will be truncated/padded.

`emotion`: (exclusive for IEMOCAP) specifies which emotion category you want to train the model to predict. Can be 'happy', 'sad', 'angry', 'neutral'.

An example would be

python train_mosi.py --run_id 19260817 --epochs 50 --patience 20 --output_dim 1 --signiture test_run_big_model


Some hyper parameters for reproducing the results in the paper are in the hyperparams.txt file.