dotnet-format as a git pre-commit hook
- git
- dotnet cli (>= 3.0)
How to install
- VisualStudio
- PackageManager : search for format-hook and install to your main csproj
- PackageManager console : Install-Package format-hook
- .NET CLI : dotnet add <!path to your csproj> package format-hook
Build you project, and you are done 👏
format-hook is a development dependency so it won't affect build artifacts 🚩
Under the hood, this will :
- checks for an available dotnet-format binary in PATH and install a local one if needed
- configures git to use the newly created hooks folder at the root of your repository
- adds the pre-commit hook that handles dotnet-format
Your git repository will looks like :
- .git
- hooks/
- pre-commit
... rest of your repository
How to uninstall
- remove format-hook nuget
- delete .git/format-hook.enabled file
- delete hooks folder
- edit .git/config and remove the line : hooksPath = hooks
You can configure the following properties by adding them on the csproj you installed format-hook :
Property | Description | Default Value |
CI | Prevent hook from being installed if true. Major CI systems set it to true by default | false |
HooksPath | Folder to which hooks are configured | hooks |
DotnetFormatVersion | dotnet-format version to install if missing | 4.0.130203 |
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
Supported frameworks
- .Net Standard / .NET Core
- Full Framework .NET
With powershell
Run ./scripts/tests.ps1
Withdocker build . -t act-dotnetformathook
act -P ubuntu-latest=act-dotnetformathook