
A set of simple AWS Lambda@Edge functions to run a AWS based DC/OS universe.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

These AWS Lambda functions utilize AWS Lambda@Edge, which allows user defined functions to run in reaction to CloudFront requests and responses. See the offical AWS documentation to learn more. As the development was done against the RC1 pre-release, there might be minor changes needed for GA.


This function implements our server-side logic to redirect DC/OS clients to their specific version of the universe repo.json. Based on https://github.com/mesosphere/prod-universe/blob/master/nginx/etc/nginx/conf.d/universe.mesosphere.com.conf

It is important to deploy it to both:

  • /repo*
  • /v?/schema/repo

Also note that this will shadow (a.k.a. block) all requests to potential files with this prefix in your origin.


This function should be running for all distributed files that are somewhat large and should rather be served directly from S3 from within the same AWS region, instead of from CloudFront. This is done via inspecting the clients source IP address and matching that against the well known list ob AWS networks. Currently we deploy it for the following Path Pattern:

  • *.tar.*z* (this applies to most tar+compressed files, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .tar.xz, ...)
  • *.zip

updating the ip-range.json

wget https://ip-ranges.amazonaws.com/ip-ranges.json

Running tests

There is a single spec file per function, which can be used with mocha and a npm script to call run it:

npm install & npm test

Building a release .zip

npm start

or see what this shorthand script does in package.json.


CloudFormation templates for the two Lambda@Edge functions as well as for needed IAM roles and CloudWatch LogGroups are in cloudformation/. Besides that, to deploy a new version of the functions, following steps are needed:

  1. build the .zip's, for each function (see above) do:
  2. in the AWS webconsole, upload the zip for the existing AWS Lambda function in us-east-1
  3. 'Publish a new verion' of the function, take note of the ARN with the version suffixed (example 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:12342234223:function:viewer_request_local_s3_bucket_redirector:42')
  4. on your CloudFront distribution, edit the 'Behavior' Lambda Function Association with the new ARN.