
LogFlow provides a tool to automate the logs analysis task and to show the correlations among them to help users focus on relevant information

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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Train and deploy logFlow as a service

The idea is to train logFlow to get log patterns on a huge dataset. They then need to be saved to be used later (as a model). Then, the found patterns are loaded, and the associate_pattern() method will be exposed behind a FastAPI.

Build docker image

Clone this repository, then:

git clone https://github.com/MrMimic/logflow
cd logflow
docker build -t logflow:api .

This will result into a logflow Docker image, tagged as "api". Check it out with:

docker images logflow


Define the log parsing function

Check .py file in api/log_parsing_function.py

This contains the function that will parse each logline to return the message part, splited into words. Read it carefully and adapt it to your need.

Launch the training

Then, the training is ready to be launched. Logs must be split into small files (LogFlow pipeline better fit while able to paralelise tasks) in a given folder.

./scripts/train.sh <PATH TO THE DATA>

The LogFLow docker will be run, and the patterns found in your log folder will be saved under the /model folder as a pickle file.

Launch the API

Simply use the following command to start an API on localhost:80 with the newest trained model:


To be used, simply run with this kind of GET call (single parameter log):

In a nutshell.

LogFlow provides a tool to automate the logs analysis task. This analysis provides the correlations between the logs to help users to understand this amount of data. LogFlow is split into 3 modules: the log parsing tool, the relations discover model and the tree building tool.

Log parsing

The log parsing too aims at finding the pattern corresponding to a line of log to be able to extract value from this line. More precisely, each line is associated with a pattern. A pattern is a set of fixed words corresponding to the fixed parts of the line (the variable parts are removed).

Using the line "Connexion of user Marc", we can see that "Marc" is the variable part and "Connexion of user" is the fixed part. Then, the associated pattern is "Connexion of user *".

Relations discover

Once these patterns are associated, the relations between them can be learned. A relation can be the relation between network timeout and a failure for example. Our model is based on a LSTM augmented with an Attention layer to be able to learn and to analyse the correlations.

Tree building tool.

The correlation tree can be learned based on the previous learned correlation. The tree shows the user the correlation in a compact view to help him to detect relevant information from its logs.

Major concepts

To be able to use LogFlow, several concepts need to be explained.


LogFlow is designed to handle large and very large datasets (from 10 million of lines to several billions of lines), then ideas and concepts used to its implementation follow this need of performance for large data.

The log parsing tool can be used with a dataset of any size but the relation discover model should be use only with a large dataset (more than 10 millions of lines) because it relies on deep learning model.

Log parsing

The log parsing tool relies on one major concept to work: the pattern detection is done only between lines with same sizes.

Message length

The size of a line is defined as a number of words. The line is split according to the three letters: " " (whitespace), ":" and "=". Once the list is split, the pattern detection is done using the best common subsequence with the other lines.

In other word, the pattern is defined as the maximum number of common words between lines.


To enable multithreading, patterns corresponding to each size of line are computed into one thread. Then, it's impossible to have the same pattern for two lines with different number of words.

Relations discover

To be able to deal with unbalanced number of events, the relations discover uses a simple method: each cardinality of an event is associated with one model (one model = LSTM + Attention layer). A cardinality is defined as the ten power number of lines associated to the pattern. Then, a cardinality of 4 means that the pattern is associated with 10000 lines.

Then, one model learns the correlations of the patterns with the same cardinality. Basically, for a large dataset, cardinality varies between 0 and 8.

Note that due to the use of deep learning model, lower cardinality (i.e. lower than 4) should be ignored during the training step.


LogFlow can be installed using pip or docker. The recommended way is to use docker.

Note that we will need nvidia-docker if you want to use GPU acceleration for the LSTM learning task.


Using the Dockerfile at the root of this git.

docker build -t logflow .

Then, start the docker using nvidia-docker

nvidia-docker run -it --pid=host -v $(pwd):/home/code logflow /bin/bash

Now, you are inside your docker

cd /home/code

Create a data and a model directory

mkdir data
mkdir model

Now, you are ready !


pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ --no-cache-dir --extra-index-url=https://pypi.org/simple/ LogFlow-Atos-Marc-Platini

Note that it's a pre-alpha pip version. Prefer to use Docker installation instead of pip.

Getting Started


You can find data to test LogFlow on the LogHub repository: https://github.com/logpai/loghub The following example is based on the Windows dataset.

Note that LogFlow is optimized to handle several small files rather than one large file. Then, we can split the Windows dataset into several small files by using split on linux.


A main.py is provided as example.

First, import logflow

from logflow.logsparser.Dataset import Dataset
from logflow.logsparser.Parser import Parser
from logflow.logsparser.Embedding import Embedding
from logflow.logsparser.Journal import Journal

from logflow.relationsdiscover.Dataset import Dataset as Dataset_learning
from logflow.relationsdiscover.Worker import Worker

from logflow.logsparser import Pattern
from logflow.relationsdiscover import Model
from logflow.treebuilding.Dataset import Dataset as Dataset_building
from logflow.treebuilding.Workflow import Workflow

First, we need to define the function to get the message part of one line of log.

def parser_function(line):
    return line.strip().split()[4:]

Additionally, if we want to sort the logs according to a field, we can use a specific function

def split_function(line):
        return line.strip().split()[3]
        return "1"

We can start with the first module: the logparsing tool.

path_logs = "data/Windows/"
list_files = []
for file in listdir(path_logs):
    if "x" in file: # Using split command, each small file begins with a "x"
        list_files.append(path_logs + "/" + file)

dataset = Dataset(list_files=list_files, parser_function=parser_function) # Generate your data
patterns = Parser(dataset).detect_pattern() # Detect patterns
Dataset(list_files=list_files, dict_patterns=patterns, saving=True, path_data="data/", name_dataset="Windows_test", path_model="model/", parser_function=parser_function, sort_function=sort_function) # Apply the detected patterns to the data
Embedding(loading=True, name_dataset="Windows_test", path_data="data/", path_model="model/").start() # Generate embedding for the LSTM

Now, we can learn the correlations

list_cardinalities = Dataset_learning(path_model="model/", path_data="data/", name_dataset="Windows_test", size=size).run() # Create your dataset
worker = Worker(cardinalities_choosen=[4,5,6,7], list_cardinalities=list_cardinalities, path_model="model/", name_dataset="Windows_test") # Create the worker
worker.train() # Start learning the correlations

Additionally, we can have the merged results to compare this run to other runs with other parameters

results = Results(path_model="model/", name_model="Windows_test")

At the end, we can get the correlations tree.

dataset = Dataset_building(path_model="model/", name_model="Windows_test", path_data="data/Windows/Windows.log", parser_function=parser_function) # Build your dataset
dataset.load_files() # Load the model
dataset.load_logs() # Load the logs
workflow = Workflow(dataset) # Build your workflow
workflow.get_tree(index_line=24712) # Get the tree of the 2338th line

That's it.

Important parameters

path_data and path_model is the path to your directory of data and models.

size is the size of your data for the learning step.

cardinalities_choosen is the cardinalities used for the learning. Other cardinalities are excluded.




marc.platini@gmail.com marc.platini@atos.net