
Personnal software and package list

Primary LanguageShell

(X)Ubuntu basic configuration

This is a simple list of the packages and softwares I like to have on my (X)Ubuntu machines. I use it as a personnal memo and I'll be happy if it's of any use for anyone.

Desktop environnements and extensions/specific softwares

  • Xfce 4
  • xfce4-goodies

IDEs & Development sofwares

  • NetBeans
  • Eclipse
  • Gradiator
  • PHPStorm
  • Sublime Text 2
  • PHP5
  • MySQL

Virtualization softwares

  • Oracle VM VirtualBox
  • VMWare Workstation

Image and Graphics

  • GIMP
  • Pinta
  • Gcolor2
  • Inkscape

RSS readers

  • RSSOwl


  • Pidgin
  • Skype

Terminal emulators

  • Tilda

Terminal packages

  • htop
  • git
  • git-flow


  • Kupfer
  • Oracle Sun JDK 7 (oracle-jdk7-installer from ppa:webupd8team/java)


  • Google Chrome
  • Jdownloader
  • FileZilla
  • DropBox
  • qBitorrent
  • Wireshark


  • 0 A.D.
  • Hedgewars


  • LibreOffice (*sick*)
  • PDF-Shuffler


  • GParted
  • CCSM
  • VLC (from ppa:videolan/stable-daily)
  • Handbreak (from ppa:stebbins/handbrake-releases)