This project is going to be a simple booking ticket.
FT Booking is a platform for buy flight tickets, it's small and just use for flights.
create FTBooking directory:
mkdir FTBooking
go to FTBooking directory:
cd FTBooking
clone the project:
git clone
create virtualenv in Delivery_Management directory:
virtualenv booking_venv
now active your virtualenv:
source booking_venv/bin/activate
go to project by:
cd flight_booking_service
install package with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
in delivery-management-challenge directory you should create .env file for some django settings(.env files is hidden files):
touch .env
and fill this argument in env file:
- SECRET_KEY = '<django secret key (you can generate from this site) >'
- DEBUG = True
now make migrations with:
python makemigrations
and after that applying migrations:
python migrate
and after apply migrations run celery:
celery -A booking worker -l info
and run celery beat:
celery -A booking beat -l info
and run redis server:
you can now run project by:
python runserver