
Discord Degenesis Die Throwing Bot

Primary LanguagePython


KatharSys die pool roller bot.

.env file

Create a .env file in the root of the project, this allows you to change the prefix of the bot and contains the token from Discord



You don't need to install Python in your local or host machine, a docker-compose.yml to build and run a container with the bot is in place, open a terminal and type

docker-compose up -d

The -d flag to run the bot in detached mode, this will let you close the terminal.

Whenever you want stop the bot, type:

docker-compose down

Dice Rolling


Can be invoked with only the action number

!roll 8

@Pabruva rolls: 3, 1, 6, 5, 6, 2, 6, 5 
5 successes, 3 triggers

or the action number and the difficulty, separated by a space:

!roll 9 3

@Pabruva needs 3 successes and rolls: 6, 5, 1, 3, 4, 4, 2, 6, 5 
 6 successes, 2 triggers 

Counts successes, triggers and checks for botches:

!roll 3

@Pabruva rolls: 1, 1, 2 
 0 successes, 0 triggers 
 It's a botch!

Limits pool to 12 and adds any extra as auto-successes:

!roll 24

@Pabruva rolls: 6, 5, 5, 1, 6, 6, 3, 3, 1, 6, 4, 6 
 20 successes, 5 triggers

You can also add automatic triggers:

!roll 4 4 2

@Nmarin needs 4 successes and rolls: 3, 3, 6, 1, 4
 2 successes, 3 triggers (2 automatic)
 Failure! :x:


It behaves like a roll, but you can also add the ability name. It also makes use of automatic triggers:

!check body 4 1 1

@Nmarin makes a Body check, needs 1 successes and rolls: 6, 4, 4, 2 
 3 successes, 2 triggers (1 automatic) 
 Success! :o:


A combination roll of two different abilities. It also makes use of automatic triggers:

!combi 4 1 4 1 2

@Nmarin makes a combination check, passes the 1º (adds 2 triggers), needs 1 successes for the 2º and rolls: (6, 6, 5, 3) and (2, 6, 6, 2), 
 2 successes, 6 triggers (2 automatic) 
 Success! :o:


DegeneSix can also manage your initiative.

  1. Use start-initiative [label] to register a game (where the label is optional). This will delete the active initiative in that text channel.
  2. Use !initiative [name] [dice] [ego] to join (name and ego are optional). Each player can only have one character without a name, and cannot have any characters with duplicate names. This is to prevent confusion.
  3. Use !next to start the initiative. At the beginning of each round, an overview of the order will be printed, and the first player's turn will begin.
  4. Use !next again to move to the next player's turn

DegeneSix initiative also has a verbosity feature. Use !verbose [on/off] to change the number of messages you receive.


DM: !start-initiative "My Game"
BOT: Initiative "My Game" started!
     Use !initiative [name] [dice] [ego] (name and ego are optional) to join
     Type !next to start!
@David: !initiative 5
BOT: Player @David was added to the initiative with 5 dice
@Pabruva: !initiative Falberg 6 2
BOT: Player Falberg was added to the initiative with 6 dice and 2 ego
@David: !next
BOT: Starting round 1 of initiative "My Game"...
     Initiative order:
         4:    Falberg
         2:    @David
BOT: 4 successes
     @Pabruva, it is Falberg's turn. You have 2 extra dice for your first action (from ego)
@Pabruva: !next
BOT: 2 successes
     @David, it is your turn. You have 1 extra dice (from triggers)