Leaflet plugin to view height profile of GeoJSON- and GPX polylines using d3
- 1
- 1
Demo is broken
#88 opened by refeed - 1
Can i make pattern in this graph?
#87 opened by Dew-dev - 0
How to mark waypoints on the elevation graph?
#86 opened by cempro - 0
Missing and wrong releases
#82 opened by DanielRuf - 1
- 9
Leaflet.Elevation and Leaflet 1.02
#64 opened by Jerome03 - 4
Hover/mouseOver not working on Chrome
#67 opened by arminus - 1
Version Compatibility
#83 opened by githubhanjunjun - 0
Using altitude data from property
#81 opened by sydgis - 2
- 2
- 0
- 8
- 1
Documentation - Interpolation page moved
#61 opened by ramblerswebs - 0
- 0
Mouse over Broken in leaflet 1.2.0
#74 opened by matthewlukas - 3
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Responsive view
#19 opened by Coroico - 5
Issues in Internet Explorer and Edge
#58 opened by corinat - 3
- 0
- 1
Issues in Internet Explorer and Edge
#57 opened by corinat - 1
- 1
change map tipe to google map
#52 opened by felison69 - 4
Option for metric/US display
#35 opened by jimmyangel - 1
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Format Elevation at Tooltip
#44 opened by dret - 2
- 1
Min and Max height?
#43 opened by TimMcCauley - 1
No transparency and border (maybe usage error?)
#41 opened by TLINDEN - 4
How did you solve the elevation proxy problem?
#38 opened by nemesifier - 1
elevation.png path is hardcoded
#37 opened by toverux - 3
can you treat the control as a layer?
#40 opened by kas84 - 1
Using data from leaflet-plotter
#39 opened by navivfr - 2
Chart outside the map
#36 opened by tosolini - 4
Add bower package
#25 opened by vool - 1
"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'on' of undefined" on example_gpx.html
#34 opened by che-wf - 2
- 1
jasmine -> jasmine-core
#31 opened by LeOSW42 - 1
clear doesn't clear anything
#29 opened by LeOSW42 - 1
Add id to elevation to easily control it
#30 opened by LeOSW42 - 3
- 3
Support for older browsers?
#27 opened by karussell - 5
multiple tracks
#23 opened by LucaMoiana - 1
Specify the direction of the profil drawing
#21 opened by Coroico - 1
More documentation
#20 opened by vibz - 1
- 2
Zoom on y axis
#17 opened by karussell - 2
Force displaying from 0
#16 opened by karussell