Manticore is a prototyping tool for dynamic binary analysis, with support for symbolic execution, taint analysis, and binary instrumentation.
- Input Generation: Manticore automatically generates inputs that trigger unique code paths
- Crash Discovery: Manticore discovers inputs that crash programs via memory safety violations
- Execution Tracing: Manticore records an instruction-level trace of execution for each generated input
- Programmatic Interface: Manticore exposes programmatic access to its analysis engine via a Python API
Manticore supports binaries of the following formats, operating systems, and architectures. It has been primarily used on binaries compiled from C and C++.
- OS/Formats: Linux ELF, Windows Minidump
- Architectures: x86, x86_64, ARMv7 (partial)
Manticore is supported on Linux and requires Python 2.7, pip 7.1.0 or higher, and the Z3 Theorem Prover. Ubuntu 16.04 is strongly recommended.
Install and try Manticore in a few shell commands (see an asciinema):
# Install system dependencies
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install z3 python-pip -y
python -m pip install -U pip
# Install manticore and its dependencies
git clone && cd manticore
sudo pip install --no-binary capstone .
# Build the examples
cd examples/linux
# Use the Manticore CLI
manticore basic
cat mcore_*/*1.stdin | ./basic
cat mcore_*/*2.stdin | ./basic
# Use the Manticore API
cd ../script
python ../linux/helloworld
Make sure that Z3 is installed and available on your PATH
. On Ubuntu, this is as simple as sudo apt-get install z3
Option 1: Perform a user install (requires ~/.local/bin
in your PATH
echo "PATH=\$PATH:~/.local/bin" >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
git clone && cd manticore
pip install --user --no-binary capstone .
Option 2: Use a virtual environment (requires virtualenvwrapper or similar).
pip install virtualenvwrapper
echo "source /usr/local/bin/" >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
git clone && cd manticore
mkvirtualenv manticore
pip install --no-binary capstone .
Option 3: Perform a system install.
git clone && cd manticore
sudo pip install --no-binary capstone .
Once installed, the manticore
CLI tool and its Python API will be available.
For a dev install that includes dependencies for tests, run:
pip install --no-binary capstone --no-binary keystone-engine -e .[dev]
You can run the tests with the commands below:
cd manticore
# all tests
# just one file
nosetests tests/
# just one test class
nosetests tests/
# just one test
nosetests tests/
$ manticore ./path/to/binary # runs, and creates a mcore_* directory with analysis results
# example Manticore script
from manticore import Manticore
hook_pc = 0x400ca0
m = Manticore('./path/to/binary')
def hook(state):
cpu = state.cpu
print 'eax', cpu.EAX
print cpu.read_int(cpu.SP)
m.terminate() # tell Manticore to stop
See the wiki, examples directory, and API reference for further documentation.