Bot for Minecraft to stay AFK

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



A bot for Minecraft to stay AFK thanks to mineflayer. Mainly for Windows, but works also on macOS and Linux.

Written in Node.js

Link to the page of this project.



  • Supports up to 1.16.3.
  • Windows Desktop Notifications for events like /tell or on death. These can be disabled inside config.json. Thanks to node-notifier.
  • Use a Discord Bot to control the AFKBot, and a Custom Rich Presence. Can be configured in config.json. Thanks to discord.js.
  • Automatic response (whispered) like "Sorry, I am an AFK Bot", to people who "/tell" you.
  • Pathfinding ability to make your AFK bot follow you from one place to another, thanks to mineflayer-pathfinder.
  • Auto-Eat feature to auto eat(obviously) thanks to mineflayer-auto-eat.
  • Reconnect ability in case it's kicked from the server.
  • Online/Cracked mode support.
  • Looks at nearby entities simulating real players.
  • Alerts on low health.
  • Option to make bot attack mobs inside his range (KillAura) for self-defense, can be disabled in config.json.
  • Shows who attacked the bot and the weapon. Thanks to mineflayer-bloodhound.


  1. Make sure you have installed Node on your PC, once you have installed it, you can proceed to the next step. You can download Node here.

  2. Create a folder somewhere in you PC.

  3. Extract the downloaded .zip in the folder, there should be a folder named AFKBot-master, take the files and paste them where you want, like a folder.

  4. Now, open the command prompt (press WIN + R, it should open a window, type in "cmd" and hit ENTER).

  5. Navigate to the folder where you put the files (Example: type "cd C:\Users\DrMoraschi\Desktop\BotFolder" and hit ENTER).

  6. Now where are going to install Mineflayer and the other dependencies, type:

    npm install

    this will install all dependencies that are necessary.

  7. Now that all the things have been installed, the bot is ready to run and go AFK.


  1. The bot is configured to only reply to "/tell" messages. It will reply with "Sorry, I am an AFK Bot".

  2. The bot will only follow you if tell him to do so:

    /tell [botname] follow me

    Will make the bot follow you.

    /tell [botname] stop

    Will make the bot stop following you.

    [prefix] [message]

    To send a chat message from Discord to Minecraft.

  3. The bot will start the anti-AFK-kick sequence when connected automatically, it will jump every X minutes to prevent kicks.

  4. The bot will attack enemy mobs that are inside his range, he can't attack multiple mobs at once, but the option can be disabled.

How to Use

  1. Before starting the bot, please take a look at config.json, the options are:

    • "server" : Server options.
      • "host" : IP of the server.
    • "botOptions" : Options for the bot.
      • "username" : A name for the bot, if the server has online-mode set to true, it's the e-mail.
      • "password" : Password of the account, if the server has online-mode set to false, you can leave it as null.
    • "announcements" : Options for the announcements.
      • "windowsAnnouncements" : true/false. Receive notifications from Windows if something happens to the bot.
      • "discordBot" : Options for the Discord Bot.
        • "sendMessage" : true/false. Print chat in a channel with a bot and receive notifications if something happens to the bot.
        • "token" : Token of the bot.
        • "channelID" : ID of the channel where the bot will print the chat, or where it will listen for commands.
        • "prefix" : Prefix of the bot for the commands. Can be left as blank(It will send every message to the chat).
        • "embedHexColor" : Color of the embeds that the bot will send.
        • "userIDToPing" : ID so that the bot pings you on Discord when something happens. WARNING: It's the ID of the user, not the USERNAME. You need to enable Developer Mode to get an ID of a user. You can leave it as blank, but the bot won't ping you.
      • "richPresence" : Options for the Rich Presence.
        • "enable" : true/false. Toggles the Rich Presence.
        • "details" : Second line of the Presence.
        • "state" : Third line of the Presence.
        • "imageText" : Text that appears when you hover with your mouse on the image.
    • "misc" : Miscellaneous options.
      • "owner" : Minecraft Username of the owner of the bot, so that the bot only replies to him.
      • "attackMobs" : true/false. Wether to attack mobs that are in range(KillAura).
      • "autoEat" : Options of the auto eat.
        • "startAt" : A number from 1 to 20(both included), example: "startAt": 19 => The bot will start to eat when its health reaches 9,5 food points. Default 19.
        • "priority" : Choose from 'saturation' or 'foodPoints'. 'saturation' -> Bot chooses food with highest saturation. 'foodPoints' -> Bot chooses food with highest food points.
    • "timeouts" : Timeouts for some features. All of them have to be in milliseconds.
      • "onKicked" : How many milliseconds the bot will wait if it's kicked before reconnecting again.
      • "antiAFK" : How many milliseconds the bot will wait between each Anti-AFK Kick jump.
  2. In your Command Line, repeat number 4 from "Install"; navigate to the folder where the files are located.

  3. To start the bot, just type in:

    node index.js

  4. Once you've written all, hit ENTER and watch as the GUI starts and the bot connects to the server.


I am not responsible of any consequences that this bot may cause, when you are downloading it, it's up to you and to be responsible of your own actions.

Thank you.