
This repository, consist of my second group project (team-shoppersstop). It is an e-commerce website, which provide all type of clothes. it consist of all those things ,which an e-commerce site has.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

****# team-shoppersstop code with ashok we were five members in team-- Abishek,Ashok,Sachin,Navneet,Omkar we have divded the whole project into small pieces and thus ,it has made us work efficient and less tough. we have used Java Script, Html, Css, Local Storage and api authentication in this project. we have used import and export for navbar and footer. this is the navbar of the site , and on hover it shows various products related to that category. image this is the footer of the site, image image User have to signup first to buy any product ... so he will go to this page image after signing up he/she will do login. and will redirect to home page. our site is fully responsive site..for example.. image image146685507-668c2483-d5e1-4c70-a1e4-061af3f0dd44

image now let's buy some product user will click on product type through navbar and will redirect to proudct page. image image here according to his wish, user can use sort fuctions ...sort by brand,sort by color,price,discount etc, and add the product to cart image after adding product to cart, user will go to checkout page, where he will get details of his total bill image after clicking on check out, user will be asked to enter his delivery address, image **then he will be asked regarding payment info, ** image and finally his order will be sucessfully ordered. and he will again redirected to home page.