
This is the chatting system where the client chat with server using tcp socket. Chatting using the ip addresses.

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

chatting-network system

This is the system in which two devices can chat and sending and receiving files via ip-address using TCP connection. I have managed well such that It can be used within a localhost.

This contains two files which are server-side.py and client-side.py.


The installation will be of two sides server and client respectively!!. I assumed that the user root@mastermind:# is the server and root@blackhat:# is the client. Even if it is viceversa it will anyway works.

  • Remember that we will be using socket module and other system-built modules. Hence if you don't have in your machine it is necessary to install it. It does not depend you are client or server all of you must have the file.
root@masterplan:# pip install socket

Firstly on the server-side

root@masterplan:# git clone https://github.com/MrNkolima/chatting-system
root@masterplan:# cd chatting-system
root@masterplan:# python3 server-side.py
Enter your server Address::      # <---- Here write your ip address
  • If you want to test in a local machine then you can also hit enter without typing the ip-address

Secondly on the client-side.py

root@masterplan:# git clone https://github.com/MrNkolima/chatting-system
root@masterplan:# cd chatting-system
root@masterplan:# python3 server-side.py
Write a Server address::      # <---- Here write server address
  • If you are testing this in the local machine then no need to git cloning the secong time. Just open a new session and run the client-side.py
  • Also if you are testing on local machine then you can hit enter on Write a Server address:: without filling.
  • Also it works if you type localhost on the address in both cases if you are testing on the local machine.

Behind the scenes

  • The port in which the communication will be happening is 5050.
  • Type file in the chatting session to have an option of sending the file.
  • Type STOPPED in the chatting session to stop communication.
  • On the server side type quit to turn off the server.


  • The chatting is safe since I configured the server to listen only one user.
  • The files can be transfered.
  • The files transported are limited to 5MB but you can change by changing the buffersize variable.
  • The files which are allowed to be transfered are text-based images and not other files like images, audio, pdf, zip and videos. But all the remained type of files are supported!!.
  • The chatting relie on sending each other files or texts and you cannot send message consecutive without an incoming message, hence it look like send to receive and vice versa is true.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

Free to use

  • You can use this for free either by modifying it or use as it is.