- Language: Kotlin
- Software Architecture: MVVM
- News API: newsapi.org
- Dependency Injection: Dagger Hilt
- Firebase
- Retrofit
- OkHttp
- Dagger Hilt
- Glide (Image Loading)
- Coroutines
- Jetpack Navigation
- Paging 3
- Leak Canary (Memory Leak Detection)
There is a delay on the News Api Request to show "Loading Screen" longer and better.
I've used the Jetpack Compose for News Detail Screen. Composable File
For some reason on the latest version of the Android Emulator, Firebase doesn't work, it cannot connect to the servers. I had to downgrade to version 31.2.9. I also tested on Physical device and there wasn't any issue. If you encounter any problems please let me know.
google-services.json file is hidden. It will be provided externally.