
Program to analyze strain-level diversity within a population

Primary LanguagePython


Program to analyze strain-level diversity within a population

Functionality of version 0.3

strainProfiler is able to take a .bam file and determine the breadth, coverage, ANI, ect. at all levels of read-mismatch. So for 0, 1, 2, 3, ect. mismatches per read, you can figure out these things.

Output of version 0.3

It produces _scaffoldTable, _snpLocations.pickle, and .pickle.

_scaffoldTable contains the cumulative information for each scaffold at each mismatch level.

_snpLocations.pickle contains the cumulative SNP information for each scaffold.

.pickle contains the base information that was used to make those tables. It's size is dictated by the size of the .fasta file being mapped to, and it can get pretty big. The --lightRAM option should make it a good bit smaller

Other useful python methods

Loading the pickle file

import strainProfiler
Sprofile = strainProfiler.SNVprofile().load(pick)

Transforming from scaffold-level to genome-level

def makeGenomeWide_v2(sdb, stb, s2l=None):
    Make the scaffold table genome-wide from strainProfiler v0.2
        sdb - the file ending with _scaffoldTable.csv
        stb - dicionary of scaffold -> bin
    gdb = sdb.copy()
    gdb['genome'] = gdb['scaffold'].map(stb)
    gdb['considered_length'] = [x*y for x,y in zip(gdb['unmaskedBreadth'], gdb['length'])]
    # Add blanks for scaffolds that aren't there
    #bdb = pd.DataFrame({s:})
    table = defaultdict(list)
    for genome, mm, db in interate_sdb_mm(gdb, s2l=s2l, stb=stb):

        # Sum columns
        for col in ['bases_w_0_coverage', 'length']:
        # Max columns
        for col in ['SNPs']:

        # Weighted average columns
        for col in ['breadth', 'coverage', 'std_cov', 'unmaskedBreadth']:
            table[col].append(sum(x * y for x, y in zip(db[col], db['length'])) / sum(db['length']))

        # Special weighted average
        db['considered_length'] = [x*y for x,y in zip(db['unmaskedBreadth'], db['length'])]
        considered_leng = db['considered_length'].sum()
        if considered_leng != 0:
            table['ANI'].append((considered_leng - db['SNPs'].sum()) / considered_leng)

        # Special
    return pd.DataFrame(table)

def interate_sdb_mm(sdb, on='genome', s2l=None, stb=None):
    For the dataframe, iterate through each mm and a dataframe with ALL scaffolds at that mm level
    (including blanks)
    for g, db in sdb.groupby(on):
        if s2l == None:
            gs2l = db.drop_duplicates(subset=['scaffold', 'length'])\
            gs2l = {s:s2l[s] for s in [x for x, b in stb.items() if b == g]}
        mms = sorted(db['mm'].unique())
        for mm in mms:
            # get all the ones that you can
            dd = db[db['mm'] <= mm].sort_values('mm').drop_duplicates(subset='scaffold', keep='last')
            #print("mm={0}; len={1}; tl={2}".format(mm, len(dd), len(s2l.keys())))
            # backfill with blanks
            dd = _backfill_blanks(dd, gs2l)
            #print("mm={0}; len={1}; tl={2}".format(mm, len(dd), len(s2l.keys())))
            yield g, mm, dd
def _backfill_blanks(db, s2l):
    scaffs = list(set(s2l.keys()) - set(db['scaffold'].unique()))
    bdb = pd.DataFrame({'scaffold':scaffs, 'length':[s2l[s] for s in scaffs]})
    # make some adjustments
    bdb['bases_w_0_coverage'] = bdb['length']
    # append
    db = db.append(bdb)
    # fill 0
    return db.fillna(0)

Plotting the breadth / coverage over all mm levels:

def mm_plot(db, left_val='breadth', right_val='coverage', title='',\
    db = db.sort_values('mm')

    # breadth
    fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()
    ax1.plot(db['mm'], db[left_val], ls='-', color='blue')
    if left_val == 'breadth':
        ax1.plot(db['mm'], estimate_breadth(db['coverage']), ls='--', color='lightblue')
    ax1.set_ylabel(left_val, color='blue')
    ax1.set_xlabel('read mismatches')

    # coverage
    ax2 = ax1.twinx()
    ax2.plot(db['mm'], db[right_val], ls='-', color='red')
    ax2.set_ylabel(right_val, color='red')

    # asthetics
    plt.xlim(0, maxmm)

def estimate_breadth(coverage):
    Estimate breadth based on coverage
    Based on the function breadth = -1.000 * e^(0.883 * coverage) + 1.000
    import numpy as np
    return (-1) * np.exp(-1 * ((0.883) * coverage)) + 1

Subsetting to only the highest level of mismatches

tdb = Tdb.sort_values('mm').drop_duplicates(subset=['genome', 'sample'], keep='last')