CombatLog port for Sponge
This plugin prevents players on PVP servers from logging out with impunity.
When player is attacked, he and his attacker enter battle or PVP mode.
During this mode all commands are disabled. If any of the fighters logs out - their items are dropped on the ground and their inventory is cleared.
Every hit replenishes each fighters battle time.
Install BattleLog by putting latest JAR into your server's mods folder.
Default configuration (config/battlelog/battlelog.conf):
# Plugin locale (possible values: EN, RU, FR)
# Punish command to be executed. Leave empty to disable. Use % sign as placeholder for player name
punishCmd="tempban % 5m PVP Logout"
# Duration of the battle (in seconds)
lang (EN,RU) - change plugin messages language
punishCmd - this command will be executed when player, who logged out during the battle, joins the game. Use % sign as a placeholder for target player's name. For example: tempban % 5m PVP logout will ban player for 5 minutes with reason.
time - time in seconds, duration of the battle.