Simple visual novel built for local Telegram group, based on the content, memes and characters, present in the chat.
- Written from scratch on C++
- Uses SFML for window management, graphics, sounds
- Uses nlohmann/json for parsing the story itself in JSON format
- Uses lua for very simple scripting - checking for conditions in the dialogues
- The story features 5-6 different endings, based on players choices
- Because of my complete lack of art skills, all backgrounds and images are either generated by Midjourney AI or downloaded from OpenGameArt, with few exceptions for icons or buttons
- Soundtrack by El Huevro and Kevin MacLeod
- Sounds from Pixabay
- Features 3 minigames: quick shooting, classical battleships and improvised turn-based fighting (although very unbalanced)
make run
- installed SFML 2.5.1+ and it's extlibs
- lua installed
The source code is provided just for reference and for archival purposes. If you are not a member of the chat mentioned above, high chances you will have no idea about characters or the lines used by them.