
Convert JSON to HTML using a pre-defined syntax

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Convert your JSON to HTML easily!

Getting Started

npm install htsl


htsl exports just one function:

function htsl(document);

where document is htsl-valid Javascript object, which is an HTML document.

htsl format

Each htsl document must be an object with document property.

  "document": {


document can contain head property which will be HTML head tag:

  "document": {
    "head": {
      "title": "Page title",
      "meta": {
        "charset": "utf-8",
      "css": [
        "css link 1",

title - page title (string)

meta - meta of the page. Each property of this object will be converted to <meta key=value>.

css - array of strings, which are links (hrefs) to CSS stylesheets.

After the head there should be body:

  "document": {
    "head": {
      "title": "Page title",
      "meta": {
        "charset": "utf-8",
    "body": {


body is the root htsl-element (node) of whole page.

Each htsl-element must follow this syntax:

  "tag": "HTML tag of the element",
  "id": "HTML id of the element, optional",
  "classes": ["array", "of css classes", " which should be applied", "to the element"],
  "attributes": {
    "key": "value map of element attributes",
    "bool": "set to to true to have attribute with no value"
  "children": {


where children is element children (innerHTML). It can be:

  • string
  • object - then it should be another valid htsl-element
  • array - array of valid htsl-elements


You can run test/server.js script to start Express server, which will serve htsl-rendered page (test/page.json is the input).

Author: MrOnlineCoder

License: MIT