
JavaScript multi-language localisation using a json file

Primary LanguageJavaScript


MultiLang.js is a JavaScript object to handle multilanguage, localisation, JSON file loading, detect default language, detect non-existing phrases etc.

It contains a working example page and a JSON example file with multiple languages. Initially created for Phaser.js games, but it can be applied to any JavaScript project or website.

How to use

All translations are stored in a JSON file like this:

   "en": {
      "Hello": "Hello World!",
      "Yes": "Yes"
   "fr": {
      "Hello": "Bonjour à tous!",
      "Yes": "Oui"

And then MultiLang.js can be used like this:

var multilang = new MultiLang('languages.json');
alert( multilang.get('Hello') );

Manage translations

Keeping track of all the translated strings can be a challenge, even for smaller projects. See this Excel spreadsheet to manage translations more easily. The translator(s) can fill the spreadsheet with translated texts and the JSON file can then be generated using a VBA macro. For more information see here.


2016-oct-28 upload project on github

Send any questions or comments to Bas de Reuver - bdr1976@gmail.com