
Use webpack with your multi-page, multilingual django webapp

Primary LanguagePython


PyPI version Code style: black

Use webpack with your multi-page, multi-lingual django webapp.

This project is based on django-webpack-loader which handles the connection to webpack. Consider using webpack-critical-pages as well if you are interested in speedups.

Put the following in your settings file:

    "ROOT_PAGE_DIR": osp.join(BASE_DIR, "pages"),
    "STATICFILE_BUNDLES_BASE": "bundles/{locale}/",  # should end in /

    # ... and more of your choosing:

# configure the loaded page directories and add the WebpackExtension
        "BACKEND": "django_jinja.backend.Jinja2",
        "DIRS": [osp.join(BASE_DIR, "templates"), osp.join(BASE_DIR, "pages")]
        + [osp.join(BASE_DIR, app, "pages") for app in GRAZBALL_APPS]
        + [osp.join(BASE_DIR, app, "components") for app in GRAZBALL_APPS],
        "APP_DIRS": True,
        "OPTIONS": {
            # ...
            "extensions": [
                # ...

Using webpack_loader.contrib.pages you can register entrypoints for corresponding pages in templates.

At the top of your individual page, do:

{% extends "layout.jinja" %}
{% do register_entrypoint("myapp/dashboard") %}

In the layout's (base template's) head, place the following:

<!DOCTYPE html>
{% do register_entrypoint("main") %}
<html lang="{{ LANGUAGE_CODE }}">
  {{ render_css() }}
  {{ render_js() }}

This will load the registered entrypoints in order (main, then myapp/dashboard) and automatically inject the webpack-generated css and js. It also supports critical css injection upon first request visits.