- 0
Use zdiff3 for `merge.conflictStyle`
#56 opened by MrPickles - 1
Only install binary packages for Linux
#55 opened by MrPickles - 5
Use OS-agnostic package manager for binaries
#54 opened by MrPickles - 1
Clean up folder structure
#53 opened by MrPickles - 0
fzf configs not sourced outside of tmux
#52 opened by MrPickles - 1
Set up tests/CI using shellcheck
#33 opened by MrPickles - 1
Deprecate use of vim tabs in favor of buffers
#39 opened by MrPickles - 3
Make this repo compatible with codespaces
#50 opened by MrPickles - 0
Use blobless clones instead of shallow clones
#51 opened by MrPickles - 2
- 2
- 1
- 1
- 0
Use LSP instead of ctags
#38 opened by MrPickles - 0
Change vim plugin manager
#36 opened by MrPickles - 0
vim -> neovim?
#35 opened by MrPickles - 1
See if tmux plugin manager (TPM) is worth using
#22 opened by MrPickles - 1
Improve gdbinit
#32 opened by MrPickles - 2
Make manually-patched fonts available
#26 opened by MrPickles - 0
Include a ~/.ignore file
#27 opened by MrPickles - 0
Consider switching to a non-custom zsh theme
#24 opened by MrPickles - 1
Consider vim/tmux pane interop
#14 opened by MrPickles - 0
- 1
- 2
- 0
Support zoomed panes in status bar
#16 opened by MrPickles - 1
Readme for custom zsh theme
#4 opened by MrPickles - 0
List dependencies
#3 opened by MrPickles - 0
Combine and
#5 opened by MrPickles - 1
Protect version-controlled files when setting and for git
#6 opened by MrPickles - 0
Tmux configuration breaks on MacOS if `reattach-to-user-namespace` is not installed
#2 opened by MrPickles