
:octocat: Kotlin utilities for LibGDX applications.

Primary LanguageKotlinThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Travis CI Maven Central Kotlin


Kotlin utilities for LibGDX applications.

About the project

KTX aims to make LibGDX Kotlin-friendly, without turning the API upside down. This is not a new framework by any means. Most guides and examples assume that the user of these libraries is at least a bit familiar with the LibGDX API.


Needless to say, you might not want or need all the features provided by KTX. That is why it was designed to be highly modular from day one: some of its libraries are just a single Kotlin file. When possible, the extensions do not include the standard Kotlin library, and even if they do - it is marked as a provided dependency, so you can choose the Kotlin version that suits you best (since Kotlin is already pretty stable, this should not cause any issues as long as you use a recent release).

The modules present in KTX are:

  • actors: general Scene2D utilities for stages, actors, actions and event listeners.
  • app: ApplicationListener abstract implementations and other general LibGDX utilities.
  • assets: assets and heavy resources management utilities.
  • collections: utilities for LibGDX custom collections. Based on Kotlin standard library utilities.
  • i18n: some simple functions that make internationalization less verbose and easier to use.
  • inject: unsettlingly simple dependency injection with nearly zero runtime overhead.
  • log: minimal runtime overhead cross-platform logging.
  • math: operator overloads for LibGDX math API and general math utilities.
  • scene2d: type-safe Kotlin builders for Scene2D GUI.
  • style: enhances Skin API with type-safe builders of official Scene2D widget styles.
  • vis: type-safe Kotlin builders for VisUI. Alternative to the scene2d extension.
  • vis-style: enhances Skin API with type-safe builders of VisUI widget styles. Extension of style module.

Afraid to use some third-party code? Run the test suites yourself. Every function and class added by these extensions features in at least one unit test. Reported code coverage is not impressive though, as the tools are unable to calculate coverage of inlined methods. (And there are plenty of these in some modules.)


KTX libraries are currently in beta. While tested and stable enough, we want to give them a little bit more time and get some user feedback before a stable release. All versions are available through Maven Central and here. You can also use the preview snapshot releases from https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/ repository.

All libraries follow the same naming schema - this is an example Gradle dependency:

compile "com.github.czyzby:ktx-$module:$ktxVersion"

Replace $module with the name of required KTX library. $ktxVersion usually matches LibGDX version it was compiled against - although it might end with -b1 (if it is a beta release) or -SNAPSHOT (if you are using the snapshots). For example, the first release was 1.9.4-b1. You can browse through our releases here.

Note that even snapshots should be more or less stable, as libraries are not pushed to Maven Central if they do not pass the unit tests.


The project itself is managed by Gradle. Gradle wrapper is not included, so you might want to install it locally. Scripts should be compatible with Gradle 2.1+ and 3.+. If you consider working from sources, these are some useful Gradle tasks that you can look into:

  • gradle build install - builds the libraries' archives and pushes them to Maven Local.
  • gradle test - runs unit tests in all projects.
  • gradle clean - removes build directories.
  • gradle distZip - prepares a zip archive with all jars in build/distributions folder. Useful for releases.
  • gradle uploadArchives - pushes the archives to Maven Central. Requires proper gradle.properties with signing and logging data.
  • gradle closeAndPromoteRepository - closes and promotes Nexus repository. Should be run after uploadArchives in case of a non-snapshot upload to Maven Central.

Want to help? Browse through the issues to see what's currently missing or broken. Before creating any pull requests, be aware that the code is dedicated to public domain.