Profit Switching Mining Administrator For HiveOS/SMOS/Linux & Windows: HiveOS Integrated

Primary LanguagePowerShell

SWARM: Profit Switching AI For HiveOS, SMOS, Linux, & Windows

IMPORTANT : SWARM attempts to provide miners that work for as many cards as possible. Some miners may work for your cards, some may not. All miners are set with default settings provided from developers themselves (with logging enabled, if available). There is a -Bans argument that lets you remotely remove miners from the list. SWARM should support, if not all late model cards.

Windows Version Does Not Require HiveOS Windows. SWARM is built with all HiveOS API methods, and its own utilities like autofan, and overclocking. However, the overclocking for AMD is slightly different, an requires prior registry modifications and compute mode activated to fully manipulate power play tables. AMD DPM features is not used in Windows (cannot modify VBIOS). The remaining items should be available to tweak using ADL Overdrive (OverdriveNTool)

SWARM wiki:


What is SWARM?


SWARM is an collection scripts written in both powershell and bash, and is a profit switching mining script that will work within any OS with very few/little changes. (The miners that SWARM uses may vary) SWARM, is written to be used as an all purpose/all platform mining system that can be implemented/managed on a large scale basis. It was developed for larger mining administrators, who are generally unable to interact with every mining unit/rig directly, but would like to work with auto-exchange/profit switching mining. It favors command line interfacing vs. GUI.

This is not a fork of multiminer/nemosminer/sniffdog. This is original software.

This miner is a commandline tool. It does not require a desktop environment in Linux, and can operate purely from ssh/terminal with commands that can be called from /usr/bin. It was designed to leverage the abilities of Linux, not just to be compatible with it.

HiveOS Integration (Windows or Linux)

Note: SWARM is developed and used regulary on latest HiveOS 16.04 image, and is recommended for Ubuntu 16.04, which is the linux version most miners are developed on. If you experience isssues using 18.04 (bleeding edge/beta image), please report issue, and I will connect to bleeding edge image, and fix asap.

To focus solely on SWARM's project mission: SWARM was written to integrate fully with HiveOS as of version 1.4.5. The developer of SWARM recognizes the attempt to make an OS/website as sophisticated as the years of development and effort placed into HiveOS would be pointless. Therefor, knowing that SWARM was capable of operating within HiveOS- SWARM was introduced to HiveOS as an available custom miner, and can be integrated rather easily. SWARM also has created a significant amout of scripts which can be ran automatically through HiveOS, and even locally on rig- Allowing you to run multiple terminals and windows, and customize your own setup. Commands like get stats and benchmark all can be ran at any moment- Allowing you to quick make changes as neccessary. You also have ALL of the functionality you would get with HiveOS, along with MOST of the functionality of HiveOS's website in the Windows version.

SMOS Integration

After many user requests, SWARM now works in Simple Miner. See Wiki on how to setup. Simplemining.net is lighter than HiveOS, which makes it generally easier to use for an experienced miner, but non-experienced Linux user. I don't personally regularly use SMOS, nor maintain SMOS support, so if you have an issue, post in issues section, and I will plug in and update SMOS compatibility.

Highly Sophisticated Customization

  • OC Tuning by algorithm
  • -API_Key allows oc_profiles in HiveOS
  • Customize environment variables, add starting scripts to miner launches.
  • Factor/adjusts power costs.
  • Prohibit miners / algorithms / pools with a single argument -Bans
  • AI controls / bans miners and pools when issues arise.
  • AI can factor items like pool hashrates, and SWARM uses specific calculations for each pool.
  • Can enable solo mining with wallets.json, control multiple wallets / switching at a pool level.
  • Tracks historical statistics using rolling exponential moving averages.
  • Adjust starting difficulty of each miner.
  • Control pricing time frames.
  • Divide rig into seperate mining groups.
  • Test .bat files are made in each .\bin folder of miner using last SWARM settings (for miner troubleshooting).
  • Intesity/Difficulty are recorded with hashrates, and stored in .\bin folder of miner. (Where applicable).

SWARM is very customizable. At the base layer- It is easy to setup by simply inputting some basic user configuration at launch, and SWARM will handle the rest. However, beyond the base layer, SWARM offers a sophisticated oc tuning system, along with the ability to customize environment varibles, miner arguments, pool difficulty, and even a system for factoring power cost/calculation into profit analysis. SWARM allows you prohibt miners from certain algorithms, or prohibit mining certain algorithms on certain pools. SWARM also has the ability to control your overclocking internally, including support for AMD Vega in Windows using the latest drivers. It also supports accepting overclocking commands via HiveOS's website, with use of -API_key.

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Bash or Powershell Scripting

SWARM was designed to make SWARM bigger than itself. All commands can be executed via bash scripts/shell commands on the linux side, and we are slowly implementing the same features to the window's side. With the Lite mode, SWARM can be easily incorporated into any current miningOS available, and users can customize/create their own launch process, independent of SWARM. In Windows, you should be able to run cmd.exe and powershell actions through HiveOS dashboard. An example of this would be:

get-process | Where-Object name -eq "pwsh"

Would give you a list of all powershell core processes.


I am a sole developer, and this is a large project. I prioritize workload by requests and activity, if you would like me to develop/improve a particular version Just notify me. Currently, the most popular, most used, and most user supported feature of SWARM is utilizing it as a custom miner in HiveOS. This was not an easy task, and also not easy to continue to maintain. This is why the fee of 1.5% is applied.

Simple Install Instructions


SWARM requires no installation. However there are a few pre-requisites:

  • Windows 10 is supported, but it should work in Windows 7/8.
  • Have recent cuda/amd drivers installed.
    • Note- The latest drivers aren't always the best to use, see discord support if you have questions.
  • Latest C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio.
  • HiveOS user account, your farm hash ready. Ideally a pre-made flight sheet for SWARM. See wiki on how to setup a flight sheet.
  • Latest Powershell Core, along with it being set in your PATH environment variable (should be done during install of Powershell Core).
  • Latest .NET core runtime.

Install Steps:

Step 1: Open SWARM.bat, change wallet with your BTC wallet, modify/add/replace arguments to your specifications. See help files for a list of arguments. Or use github wiki. If using HiveOS- You will only ever have to do this once.

Step 2: (Optional): If you wish to use HiveOS, add your farm hash as -Hive_Hash

Step 3: Launch SWARM.bat (or run Help_Windows.bat for a very easy to use guided setup that will give instructions).

Step 4: (Optional) When background agent starts- Go to HiveOS.

Step 5: (Optional) Create a flight sheet for SWARM (SEE HiveOS install below), you can omit Installation URL, but not arguments!

Step 6: (Optional) Apply flight sheet to your newly created SWARM worker.

Step 7: (Optional) Confirm SWARM has restarted- At this point when background agent starts- SWARM should communicate stats to HiveOS, and should be ready to accept commands. You will no longer need to modify the .bat file- You modify arguments through HiveOS and your flight sheet.


NOTE: HiveOS currently uses Cuda 10 as default.

SWARM is simple to install in linux environment, if a user is familiar with linux operating systems. There are plenty of users to help/support you, if you should decide to learn how to operate/use SWARM. However, it does take the commitment of learning how to use/manage linux.

There is a Windows version that stats to HiveOS, that is constantly being worked on/improved. If you are unsure of your capabilities of using linux- You can always use the Windows version, and get most of the features SWARM has to offer, as well as help me improve it.

This is an example of how to remote install/update miner. It is the fastest way to get going. Simply enter tar.gz file name from latest release. Then insert link for tar.gz. Next in wallet/worker templates enter 'blah'. Lastly, your setup arguments go in the last box, labeled extra config arguments. After that, you are are good to go! See wiki on proper argument use. Here is a photo of setup:

Coin/Wallet is irrelevant. You can basically enter whatever you want. Then navigate to custom miner:

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From there you should see this window. Pool and URL are setup with arguments. However, Hive 2.0 requires those fields to not be empty. You can simply enter anything there. See photo below on how to setup miner. Just insert the name of the latest release, and the release tar.gz file link. Then insert your arguments in the bottom box:


view ./help/SWARM_help.txt



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There is a guide which allows SMOS users to load SWARM into SMOS. It can be found in the wiki:



You may need to Rocket Launch/Reboot in order to have Agent restart and start recieving data from SWARM


Communication channels For SWARM-

Discord: https://discord.gg/5YXE6cu

Telegram: @Swarm_Mining

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/SWARM_Miner



NICEHASH WALLET: 39iUh6aforxHcBr3Ayywmnqw2ZHcbmy9Wj


SWARM uses the following programs to help with oc tuning:





-techPowerUp GPU-Z


-ODVII (self-created app in SWARM) for AMD ADL methods.





nvfans (self-created app in SWARM) uses the following wrapper for nvidia control in Windows:


All licenses and developer information are included. I am not responsible for these softwares, nor do I maintain them. They are downloaded from their known distrubution sources and/or are included in mining OS. USE AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION.


You may see other apps inside apps folder- These are depreciated, and no longer in use.