
Add test coverage badge to repo

Closed this issue · 11 comments

Is scoverage the best option?

Not sure it's best but I've been using scoverage for my project and it works fine.

@manuzhang - thanks, I am going to add this.

@manuzhang - I added sbt-scoverage and then ran sbt coverage and it didn't seem to generate any output in the target/scoverage-report directory like I expected. And idea what I'm missing here? #83

Try sbt test coverageReport

@MrPowers It seems you have some issues with scoverage. Could you provide more info on how to reproduce it ?

@manuzhang - Here's what I mentioned in the Gitter channel: "I released v0.32.0 and scoverage was causing my downstream CIs to throw this error (when spark-daria was included in other projects): scoverage/sbt-scoverage#228 Super annoying. I set coverageEnabled := false in the spark-daria build.sbt file to fix this and did a v0.32.1 release."

I had to look all over for this message... Forgot about Gitter ;)

@MrPowers How is spark-daria included ? Is there a way that I can reproduce your issue ?

@manuzhang - Sorry for the delayed response.

This commit that sets coverageEnabled := true was included in the v0.32.0 release.

You should be able to reproduce this bug by including spark-daria v0.32.0 in a project and then running your test suite. I created a spark-stringmetric branch to demonstrate the issue.

I think it's important to get the test coverage badge on this project. Let me know how we can move this forward ;)

@nvander1 Confirmed after checking out the byte code. @MrPowers Did you run sbt clean +spDist after sbt test coverageReport ? It's recommended here to clean things up before publishing

I'm closing this, but would be happy to add this in the future if anyone wants it / thinks it'd be useful!