MRCommon A collection of many commonly used method, I according to the function is divided into the following classes:
- [BaseInherit] - base class for inherit
- [ESUnit] - Encapsulation Shader, Shapes, Transform of OpelGL ES 3.0.
- [MRCategory] - A set of useful categories for Foundation and UIKit.
- [MRCommonPackaging] - I according to the function is divided into several classes: MRCommonColorAndPicture: Processing images and color, MRCommonRuntime: Processing runtime, MRCommonString: Processing String, MRCommonTime: Processing time, MRCommonOther: Processing Others
- [MRView] - Custom controls, Such as radio buttons, dropdownList, Filter column
The framework shows
- Add
pod 'MRCommon'
to your Podfile. - Run
pod install
orpod update
. - import <MRCommon/MRCommon.h>.
- Download all the files in the
subdirectory. - Add the source files to your Xcode project.
- Import
iOS 的常用封装
MRCommon 集合许多常用方法, 我按照功能分为以下类:
- [BaseInherit] - 用来继承的基类
- [ESUnit] - OpelGL ES 3.0 创建 Shader, Shapes, Transform 的封装.
- [MRCategory] - 常用的分类
- [MRCommonPackaging] - 我按照功能分为几个类, MRCommonColorAndPicture: 处理图片和颜色的封装, MRCommonRuntime: 处理 runtime 的封装, MRCommonString: 处理字符串的封装, MRCommonTime: 处理时间的封装, MRCommonOther: 其他项封装
- [MRView] - 存放自定义控件, 如单选按钮, 下拉栏, 筛选栏等
查看并运行 Example/DropDownView(筛选框)
查看并运行 Example/SingleSwitch(单选框)
- 在 Podfile 中添加
pod 'MRCommon'
- 执行
pod install
或者pod update
. - 导入 <MRCommon/MRCommon.h>.
下载 MRCommon 文件夹内的所有内容。
将 MRCommon 内的源文件添加(拖放)到你的工程即可。