
Scalable webserver for storing and fast querying a list of data (drivers information)

Primary LanguageGo

WHERE IS MY * DRIVER v3.0- Anthony Tjuatja (anthonytjuatja@gmail.com)

A ~4 days project to create a web server that provides features to insert & update drivers coordinates, and to find drivers. Also contains a simulator that insert/update 50000 drivers every 1 minute.

Table of Contents

1.Project Structure

2.Tech Stack

3.Rationale for tech stack





1.Project Structure

In the root folder, there contains several multiple folders :

  • cmd contains main application code
  • pkg contains business logic, with framework and DB required for the running of the application.
  • controller contains code to handle connection between incoming request(s) to server and the defined app business rule.
  • vendor contains dependencies/libraries used in the app.

Inside app folder:

  • main.go is the main file to start server and simulator to update 50000 drivers latlng info every 1 minute.
  • app/app.go is the app file to start the server.

Inside pkg folder:

  • driver folder containing frameworks & the business logic for drivers
  • entity contains enterprise wide business rule and object.

Inside driver folder:

  • mocks contains generated mock data for testing
  • repository contains code for DB
  • usecase contains domain rules, business logic, and serves as an interface between network handler and database.

The config folder contains config-specific info. Refer config_const for list of environment variables you can make use of to export a production/dev profile

2. Tech Stack

3. Rationale for tech stack

I was searching through the web for language that is simple to learn given the time, with considerations to my background, and the context of the application. As this is a web app and concurrency seems to be one of the key requirement, I decided to seek for language that can is capable of handling concurrency well in terms of simplicity and performance. Go was among one of the languages, and knowing its reputations among top companies (such as *, whose business domain problem fits with the one in this assignment), I decided to go for this language. It has simple concurrency models that is more easier to grasp compared to other major languages, and its native library net/http provides support to handle requests concurrently by starting a handler for each request that comes in, which will allow me to spend my time efficiently in other areas.

In testing frameworks, Mockery is used to Mock interface, allowing testing of seperate layers without strictly depending on the completion of the other end of layer. Testify is used for assertion and mocking used in Mock generated from Mockery Fake is a mocker used to generate random LatLng.

In network framework, mux is used as multiplexer as it is more powerful & its simple syntax in handling URL matching of request to handler compared to the native way.

In business logic framework, only Haversine is used to correctly calculate the distance between 2 LatLng coordinates.

DB type used is a NoSQL DB. Reason for choosing NoSQL type is NoSQL is well-known for its speed compared to SQL and given the data needs to be stored frequently, and accessed concurrently. MongoDB is chosen as I have very basic familiarity with it beforehand, which means more time to learn other stuff. MongoGoDriver was chosen as the interface between Go and MongoDB because it's more simpler than the other variant mgo.

4. Architecture

Architecture in this project is based on Clean Architecture. Relationship between my project structure and the architecture:

  • /pkg/entity represents Entity
  • /pkg/driver/usecase represents Usecase
  • /pkg/driver/repository and /cmd/app.go represents Frameworks & Drivers
  • /controller represents Interface Adapters

5. Requirements

  1. Go 1.11 or above
  2. Docker and Docker Compose
  3. MongoDB (if running locally w/o Docker image)


6.1. Starting the server and simulator (generating 50000 drivers info per minute)

With Docker (Linux) :

  1. Navigate to the root of the project.
  2. In config.go, change default value of Mongo Hostname to mongodb://mongo:27017 or set that value for env key MONGO_HOST_ENV_KEY.
  3. In terminal, enter docker-compose build for building the image. App can be started by the command docker-compose up.

Without Docker :

From root project folder, run go run cmd/main.go in terminal.

6.2. Accessing the service

Use web browser or API tools such as Postman to make calls to http://localhost:8080 with the correct path.

7. Improvement

Things I didn't manage to do on time :

1.Testing the concurrency performance on how it handles concurrent connections using frameworks, specifically the find operations. 2.Improve algorithm based on result from point 1. 3.Improve formatting of code according to good convention for better maintainability