
Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning implementation for Self Organizing MultiAgent Systems (SOAS)

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

SOAS: Multi-Agent System Reinforcement Learning

Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning implementation for Self Organizing MultiAgent Systems (SOAS)

Based on the paper "Reward Machines for Cooperative Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning" by Neary, et al.


Random Agent: https://youtu.be/2_2QWqt3uFg

DQPRM Agent: https://youtu.be/5Q0Rl9En4BI


This has been compiled and tested on Linux Mint 20.2 Uma and Mac OS.

This is an OpenFrameworks app --> You have to move the src, bin and other configs to your OpenFrameworks environment to make it work or set OF_ROOT in config.make (explained below).


Prerequisite: xtensor

Note: For Linux, the xtensor and xtl packages needed to be installed from source because the packages provided by Linux Mint were not up to date enough to work with openFrameworks. It is a simple installation as long as you have cmake on your system. Follow the instructions in each of these repositories to install xtl and then xtensor:

Essentially, you simply need to run a command like this, where path_to_prefix is likely /usr (although you may use a different path if you pass the correct cflags and ldflags to the compiler via config.make):

cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=path_to_prefix ..
make install

For Mac OS, the following command should install the required libraries:

brew install xtensor

Prerequisite: openFrameworks

  1. Go to OpenFrameworks and download the proper one for your OS. We tested using verion 0.11.2.
  2. Follow their instructions to completely install OpenFrameworks.
  3. Try to execute the emptyExample inside of the apps folder.
  4. If it's working, go to 5. Else you need to check step 2, you're missing something.
  5. Set the OF_ROOT environment variable to point to the installation of openFrameworks (Example: OF_ROOT=/home/user/apps/of_v0.11.2_linux64gcc6_release). You can do this through either an export command added to .bashrc or by setting OF_ROOT in config.make.

SOAS MARL application

  1. Run: git clone https://github.com/MrRobb/soas-marl
  2. Enter the newly-created directory (cd soas-marl)
  3. To build, run the command: make
  4. To run, run the command: make run