
CONTRIBUTOR LICENSE AGREEMENT: This repository is solely for game assets/code used by Swamp Servers to operate our online games. By submitting your work to this repository (via commits/pull requests), you agree that we have a PERMANENT, IRREVOCABLE, WORLDWIDE, TRANSFERABLE LICENSE to use, modify, and distribute all of your submitted work as we see fit. By submitting work created by a third party, you attest that the creator of that work also agrees that we have a permanent, irrevocable, worldwide, transferable license to use, modify, and distribute their submitted work as we see fit. Do not submit work from a third party without their agreement to these terms. Note that work publicly available on sites like "Steam Workshop" may already be distributed under agreements conducive to this.

COPYRIGHT: This repository and most of its content is copyrighted and owned by Swamp Servers. All other content is, to the best of our knowledge, used under license. If your copyrighted work is here without permission, please contact the email shown here. This repository DOES NOT license its contents to be used for other purposes, nor does its existence on GitHub imply such a license.

Selected web content from swampservers.net, updates automatically periodically after commit