
Python AutoHotKey module allowing Python to run AutoHotKey Code. Orignally by Gabriel Dube

Primary LanguagePython


This module combines Python and AutoHotKey, originally written by Gabriel Dube (whom I've never met, but am exceptionally grateful to for writing this), hosted on Google code archive. See this archive page for full details on pahk.


Extract the zip files, the use python setup.py install to install, or manually put pahk.py, AutoHotkey.dll in Python/Lib/site-packages.

The zip files are the original hosted on Google code archive, but the pahk.py file I've edited to allow it to be used when freezing code with pyinstaller. Simply include AutoHotKey.dll in your .exe directory after freezing.


import pahk
ahk_code = 'MsgBox Hello World!'
ahk_interpreter = pahk.Interpreter()