
Lightweight kickoff with npm scripts only, ES6 and minification

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Lightweight Frontend Starter Pack

This starter kit includes Zepto, SASS and ES6 transpile, and default minification.


  • npm (and Node v4.x+)
  • bundler (and Ruby)


  • npm install && bundle install
  • Edit package.json - this is important for how the minified files are named!
    • Name
    • Version
    • Description
    • Author
    • License (if appl.)
  • Edit index.html to point to correct minified css/js -- it uses the naming convention $npm_package_name.$npm_package_version.min.js or .css respectively


Taskrunners read from css/index.scss and js/index.js only. All additional files will need to be included via the common module patterns: @import for SASS and ES6 import statements for js.

  • npm run build -- outputs to build
  • npm run watch -- outputs to build and watches your css/js
  • npm run clean -- deletes the build dir