Python Script to wake up hosts in pfSense with pftop states


This script is still in development. As soon as its done, this disclaimer will be removed.


This script is intended to wake up my unraid server as soon as a connection is attempted to it.

Since the Wake-On-Lan functionality is quite unreliable on my server, i had to find another way to wake it up. The problem on my server: The network adapter sometimes goes to standby when i send the server to sleep, so WOL packets are not recognized.

One solution i want to try is to combine this script with a Wemos-S2 (ESP32-S2), which emulates a HID-Keyboard and sends a keyboard input to wake up the server. The Wemos will either subsrcibe to a MQTT Topic or will provide some kind of webhook.

A functionality to send WOL packets will also be implemented.


Instructions on how to use this script will follow as soon as its finished


This script is open source with no restrictions in usage, feel free to use it in your environment.

paho-mqtt module licensing

The paho-mqtt module is made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v2.0 and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.

The Eclipse Public License is available at
and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at

Many thanks to the Contributors:
Roger Light - initial API and implementation
Ian Craggs - MQTT V5 support