
A command line script that prints reports from a database, written for the Udacity Full Stack Developer Nanodegree.

Primary LanguagePython

Udacity Logs Analysis Project

This is a command line script that queries a database and prints reports. It was written for the Udacity Full Stack Developer Nanodegree against an example database. It's written in Python3 and interfaces with a PostgresSQL database.

The three reports it executes are:

  • A ranking of the three most popular articles in the database
  • A ranking of the three most popular authors in the database
  • A listing of days when more than 1% of requests errored

Quick start

This project makes use of a Linux-based virtual machine (VM) inside a vagrant image.

Clone the vagrant image from https://github.com/udacity/fullstack-nanodegree-vm. Enter the vagrant subdirectory, and run the command vagrant up to download dependencies. Then download and unzip the PostgreSQL database into the vagrant subdirectory.

If you need to bring the virtual machine back online (with vagrant up), do so now. Then log into it with vagrant ssh.

Run the log analysis with python3 reports.py

Example output

This will print out to your console three formatted reports that will look a bit like:

========================= Most Popular Articles =========================

Greysand Paranormal captures the Jersey Devil -- 345,002 views
Charlie Cupid wins title belt at the Prominade Arena -- 258,862 views
Dionne Gabraux to star in upcoming sequel, 'The 87' -- 100,120 views

========================= Most Popular Authors =========================

Jack de Quidt -- 441,002 views
Grand Magnificent -- 253,762 views
Tawney Buck -- 140,333 views