My Coding Library

This repo contains various frequently-used codes in competitive programming. These are properly commented so they will be easy to use and understand.


  1. Template
  2. Dijikstra
  3. Belman Ford
  4. Floyd Warshall
  5. Kruskal
  6. Prims
  7. Topo Sort


  1. Template
  2. Flattening of tree
  3. Lowest Common Ancestor
  4. DSU on tree

Segment Tree

  1. Merge Sort Tree
  2. Simple Segment Tree
  3. Segment Tree with Lazy updates


  1. Extended Eucleid
  2. Fast Exponentiation
  3. Matrix Expo
  4. Sieve


  1. KMP
  2. Binary Indexed Tree
  3. Binary Search
  4. DSU
  5. LIS using set
  6. Mo's Algo
  7. Sparse Table
  8. Trie

Happy Coding😀😀