
An open source theme for headless Ghost CMS

Primary LanguageVue


A starter theme for headless Ghost CMS

View live demo


Screenshot of Boo

The demo currently uses data from demo.ghost.org (Thanks for making this available team Ghost ♥️)

Getting Started

  1. Setup ghost. See how
  2. Generate an access token. See how
  3. Edit api/ghost.js in boo and change line 5 & 6 to match your ghost server configurations
  4. You're good to go. Run npm run dev and navigate to http://localhost:6001 to see your site!

Work in progress

This theme is a side project and will includes lessons I learned while building my own blog with Ghost & NuxtJS.

A lot of the building blocks of this starter theme takes inspiration from the amazing work done by Maxbrain0 on nuxt-ghost-starter

Turn to the issues tab to see what's going on with development.

Build Setup

# install dependencies
$ npm run install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev

# generate static project
$ npm run generate