This configuration automates the basic software installation required for your macOS environment.
You need to do nothing for building up environment. you just wait the message to allow to use this.
git clone
cd mac_setting
sh ./
- Install brew
- Install packages using brew
- Install oh-my-zsh
- Modify .zshrc
- Change theme of zsh to "powerlevel10k" (Using iterm2)
- Change iterms2 setting
- Change color: Snazzy + Blue=3a87ad
- Change key: Profiles -> Keys -> Key Mappings -> Presets -> Natural Text Editing
- brew
- readline
- cask
- curl
- fzf
- git
- git-lfs
- xz
- htop
- mas
- neofetch
- neovim
- nvm
- putty
- pyenv
- pyenv-virtualenv
- tmux
- spectacle
- qview
- zsh-autosuggestions
- zsh-syntax-highlighting
- cask(WEB)
- iterm2
- docker
- google-chrome
- visual-studio-code
- alfred
- microsoft-office # office 365(word, excel, ppt, outlook, onedrive)
- microsoft-teams
- karabiner-elements
- notion
- mas(AppStore)
- KakaoTalk
- Hancom Office HWP 2014 VP Viewer
In the case of mas, there must be a download history at least once
- Homebrew
- mas
- homebrew-bundle
- zsh theme powerlevel10k: