
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to your BookShelf

Tech Stack

title name link
Database S: SQL - Postgres LINK
Server E: Express LINK
UI Component Library R: React LINK
Server Run Time N: NodeJS LINK
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Package Manage NPM LINK
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
HTTP Client Axios LINK
Query Builder Knex (prioritized used of .raw(``)) LINK
Styling Material UI LINK
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
API Integration Testing SuperTest & Jest SuperTest / Jest
Unit Testing Jest LINK
End to End Testing Cypress LINK



asset attribution link
favicon Author: Good Ware LINK
Books API Title: NYT Books API LINK

Versions -- Latest: 1.6.3

1.6.3 -- Profile Log Explorer Update
  • Mobile Styling


1.6.2 -- Homepage NYT Books API Explorer Update
  • Mobile Styling
  • Switched from Material-UI Vertical Tabs to Material-UI Horizontal Tabs


1.6.1 -- Individual Log Exploration & Log Interactions Update
  1. Updates to accessing data from redux store and app data flow
  2. now holds the ability to add a log while individual table rows hold the ability to toggle editing an individual log or delete the individual log (delete cascades to Reviews & Ranks tables)
  3. rebuilt subComponents to match new dataflow after built. Individual subcomponents can (based on the state of the current selected log) either add a Rank or add a Review to a log


1.6.0 -- Profile Page Overhaul / Functionality Update & DB Redesign
  • Complete Redesign of < Profile /> => new data flow and component structure
  • Profile Page Overhaul / Functionality Update
    1. Log Book (existing book in BD or add new book work in one user flow)
    2. User Logs Table (Log Date / Title / Author / Rank => ALL columns sortable)
    3. Selected Log Explorer (Click on User Logs Table loads all LogID data in separate component)
    4. Add / Update Rank for selected log
    5. Add / Update Review for selected log
  • DB Redesign
    • User Logs are now the folcrum. You cannot add a review or rank without first having a logID in the system (aka: you actually read the book). Other tables columns stripped to only essential (non-repeated) data and linked with foreign key migrations.


1.5.0 -- Initial API Integration Testing
  • End to End Testing - Cypress

    • Guest Login
  • API Integration Testing - JEST

    • TODO: Users

      • βœ… Routes & Models Separated
      • βœ… Integration Testing: Models & Routes
        • beforeEach() => truncate USERS table
        1. Get /users/all
        2. Put /users/:userID
        3. Del /users/:userID
    • TODO: Books

      • βœ… Routes & Models Separated
      • βœ… Integration Testing: Models & Routes
        • beforeEach() => truncate BOOKS table
        1. Post /books/
        2. Get /books/all
        3. Get /books/:bookID
        4. Put /books/:bookID
        5. Del /books/:bookID
    • TODO: Reviews

      • βœ… Routes & Models Separated
      • βœ… Integration Testing: Models & Routes
        • beforeEach() => truncate REVIEWS / BOOKS / USERS table
        1. Post /reviews/
        2. Get /reviews/all
        3. Get /reviews/singleReview/:reviewID
        4. Get /reviews/singleBook/:bookID
        5. Get /reviews/singleUser/:userID
        6. Put /reviews/:reviewID
        7. Del /reviews/:reviewID
    • TODO: Logs

      • βœ… Routes & Models Separated
      • βœ… Integration Testing: Models & Routes
        • beforeEach() => truncate COMPLETEDBOOKS / BOOKS / USERS table
        1. Post /logs/
        2. Get /logs/all
        3. Get /logs/:singleUser/:userID
        4. Get /logs/:singleBook/:bookID
        5. Get /logs/:singleLog/:logID
        6. Del /logs/:logID
    • TODO: Register

      • βœ… Routes & Models Separated
      • βœ… Integration Testing: Models & Routes
        • beforeEach() => truncate USERS table
        1. Post /register/
    • TODO: Login

      • βœ… Routes & Models Separated
      • βœ… Integration Testing: Models & Routes
        • beforeEach() => truncate USERS table
        1. Post /login/
1.4.2 -- Visualize User Reviews
  • Card that shows the users most revent review for that book


1.4.1 -- Visualize User Logs
  • Table that shows all of the users logged books
  • Table columns are sortable


1.4.0 -- Profile Page Functionality Update
  • Add Review for a book & styling update


1.3.1 -- Profile Page Functionality Update
  • Log completed Book

  • Single user flow =>

    • title input entry searching DB

      • Title in DB
        • no author entry
        • log type === 'logOnly'
      • Title NOT in DB
        • author entry needed
        • log type === 'addAndLog'
    • adds book to DB if needed

    • adds entry to readHistory


1.3.0 -- HOTFIX: login
  • Add book to DB
  • Login Hotfix - forced premature merge
1.2.0 -- Account Page: Update profile
  1. Username
  2. Email
  3. Public Profile


1.1.0 -- Sign in as guest
  • FE
    • Button added to so user can login as a guest
    • color & position updated
    • linking to 'helloWorld'
  • BE
    • User privilages added to users table
1.0.0 -- HOSTED: Register & Login
  • FE: Hosted

    • Login & Register
    • Homepage - Vert Tabs - NYT Bestseller List
  • BE: Hosted

    • Login & Register both setting token on Redux store -> login & register 1 step to homepage


0.1.1 -- Homepage Redesign: Material UI Vertical Tabs
  • FE: Hosted Homepage - Material UI Vertical Tabs - NYT Bestseller List Explorer
  • BE: Login & Register functionality working in postman but not hooked up to FE


0.1.0 -- Homepage: Pyramid
  • FE: Hosted Homepage - Desktop Only - NYT Bestseller List Pyramid
  • BE: Login & Register functionality working in postman but not hooked up to FE


Author: Reed Turgeon