
Golang based microservice for OCR powered by Tesseract.

Primary LanguageGo


This Golang based project provides a microservice that offers a REST API and a Web view to convert PDF's and Images to Text, using Tesseract OCR scanner.

Just a proof-of-concept at this point. For future development it will be split in a multi-tier application architecture for better escalability - again for instructional purposes.

1. How to build and run:

docker build -t ocr-tesseract .
docker run --privileged=true -d -t -i \
    -p 8080:80 \
    -e UPLOADED_FILES_DIR='/tmp/pdf-cache' \
    -v /tmp/pdf-cache:/tmp/pdf-cache ocr-tesseract

2. Main Web Views

The service provides some minimalistic webviews to use the functionalities.


3. Endpoints

3.1 API Endpoints for PDF submission


3.2 API endpoint for Image submission


4. Frameworks

This projects uses the following SDK's:

(C) 2019