
First Android App using Kotlin. Uploaded to github to save/keep for reference later.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Dice Roller App

This is a simple android app that allows the user to roll two 6 sided dice at a time. The dice update to the corresponding rolled number.


When the user rolls the same number dice for both, they receive a toast/message.


The Dice class is as follows:

class Dice(
    private val numSides: Int,
    private val resultTextView: TextView,
    private val resultDiceImage: ImageView,
    private var num: Int,
    ) {

    private fun roll(): Int {
        return (1..numSides).random()

    fun checkTheSame(other: Dice): Boolean {
        return this.num == other.num

    fun updateDice() {
        val diceRoll = this.roll()
        this.num = diceRoll

        this.resultTextView.text = diceRoll.toString()

        val drawableResource = when (diceRoll){
            1 -> R.drawable.dice_1
            2 -> R.drawable.dice_2
            3 -> R.drawable.dice_3
            4 -> R.drawable.dice_4
            5 -> R.drawable.dice_5
            6 -> R.drawable.dice_6
            else -> R.drawable.dice_6



This way we can have almost as many dice as we want, all we need to do is call the constructor, and call updateDice() whenever we want to have a roll at the dice.

Below is how we would construct/create Dice objects.

val dice1 = Dice(6, findViewById(R.id.text_roll_result),findViewById(R.id.image_dice), 1)
val dice2 = Dice(6, findViewById(R.id.text_roll_result2),findViewById(R.id.image_dice2), 2)
