Etherscan Deployment

NFT Filters

  • app: The web app to preview how the filters would look like on different NFTs. Can also use the app to set the underlying NFT if you're a filter owner.

    Live version

  • renderers: Contains the HTML/CSS/JS filters that are used in the IRenderer contracts.

  • src: The smart contracts for the NFT filters project.

  • test: Tests for the smart contracts.

  • script: Deployment scripts.


git clone ...
git submodule init

# copy .env.template and fill in the required env vars
cp .env.template .env

Run Tests

source .env
forge test --fork-url$ALCHEMY_API_KEY --fork-block-number 15318000 -vvv

Web app testing

source .env

# start local anvil node forking from mainnet
anvil --accounts 1 --fork-url$ALCHEMY_API_KEY --fork-block-number 15318000

# deploy NFTEnhancement to local node
forge script script/Deployment.s.sol:Deployment --rpc-url http://localhost:8545 --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY_TEST --broadcast -vvvv

# let web app know the deployment addresses
cp broadcast/Deployment.s.sol/1/run-latest.json app/abis/deployment.json

# start web app
cd app
npm run dev


source .env

# polygon needs legacy because of some gas estimation issues ("transaction underpriced")
forge script script/Deployment.s.sol:Deployment --rpc-url$ALCHEMY_API_KEY --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --broadcast --verify --etherscan-api-key $ETHERSCAN_KEY --chain-id 137 --gas-price 45000000000 --legacy -vvvv
# if verification fails with "Etherscan could not detect the deployment.". Resume script
forge script script/Deployment.s.sol:Deployment --rpc-url$ALCHEMY_API_KEY --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --resume --verify --etherscan-api-key $ETHERSCAN_KEY --chain-id 137 --gas-price 45000000000 --legacy -vvvv

# mainnet
forge script script/Deployment.s.sol:Deployment --rpc-url$ALCHEMY_API_KEY --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --broadcast --verify --etherscan-api-key $ETHERSCAN_KEY -vvvv
# if verification fails with "Etherscan could not detect the deployment.". Resume script
forge script script/Deployment.s.sol:Deployment --rpc-url$ALCHEMY_API_KEY --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --resume --verify --etherscan-api-key $ETHERSCAN_KEY -vvvv

HTML template preparation

  • Use UglifyJS for the JS part to decrease JS size and turn it into a single line.