
A starter kit for deploying and testing SuperchainERC20 tokens

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

SuperchainERC20 Starter Kit

๐Ÿ“‘ Table of Contents

๐Ÿค” What is SuperchainERC20?

SuperchainERC20 is an implementation of ERC-7802 designed to enable asset interoperability in the Superchain. SuperchainERC20 tokens are fungible across the Superchain by giving the SuperchainERC20Bridge permission to mint and burn the token during cross-chain transfers. For more information on SuperchainERC20 please visit the docs.

Note: ERC20 tokens that do not utilize the SuperchainERC20Bridge for cross-chain transfers can still achieve fungibility across the Superchain through interop message passing with a custom bridge solution. For these custom tokens, implementing ERC-7802 is strongly recommended, as it unifies cross-chain mint and burn interfaces, enabling tokens to benefit from a standardized approach to cross-chain transfers.


To achieve cross-chain functionality, the SuperchainERC20 standard incorporates the IERC7802 interface, defining essential functions and events:

  • crosschainMint: Mints tokens on the destination chain as part of a cross-chain transfer.
  • crosschainBurn: Burns tokens on the source chain to facilitate the transfer.
  • Events (CrosschainMint and CrosschainBurn): Emit when tokens are minted or burned, enabling transparent tracking of cross-chain transactions.

๐Ÿš€ Getting Started

1. Install prerequisites: foundry

supersim requires anvil to be installed.

Follow this guide to install Foundry.

2. Clone and navigate to the repository:

git clone git@github.com:ethereum-optimism/superchainerc20-starter.git
cd superchainerc20-starter

3. Install project dependencies using pnpm:

pnpm i

4. Initialize .env files:

pnpm init:env

5. Start the development environment:

This command will:

  • Start the supersim local development environment
  • Deploy the smart contracts to the test networks
  • Launch the example frontend application
pnpm dev

๐Ÿ“ฆ Deploying SuperchainERC20s

Configuring RPC urls

This repository includes a script to automatically fetch the public RPC URLs for each chain listed in the Superchain Registry and add them to the [rpc_endpoints] configuration section of foundry.toml.

The script ensures that only new RPC URLs are appended, preserving any URLs already present in foundry.toml. To execute this script, run:

pnpm contracts:update:rpcs

Deployment config

The deployment configuration for token deployments is managed through the deploy-config.toml file. Below is a detailed breakdown of each configuration section:


This section defines parameters for deploying token contracts.

  • salt: A unique identifier used for deploying token contracts via [Create2]. This value along with the contract bytecode ensures that contract deployments are deterministic.
    • example: salt = "ethers phoenix"
  • chains: Lists the chains where the token will be deployed. Each chain must correspond to an entry in the [rpc_endpoints] section of foundry.toml.
    • example: chains = ["op_chain_a","op_chain_b"]


Deployment configuration for the token that will be deployed.

  • owner_address: the address designated as the owner of the token.
    • The L2NativeSuperchainERC20.sol contract included in this repo extends the Ownable contract
    • example: owner_address = "0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266"
  • name: the token's name.
    • example: name = "TestSuperchainERC20"
  • symbol: the token's symbol.
    • example: symbol = "TSU"
  • decimals: the number of decimal places the token supports.
    • example: decimals = 18

Deploying a token

Before proceeding with this section, ensure that your deploy-config.toml file is fully configured (see the Deployment config section for more details on setup). Additionally, confirm that the [rpc_endpoints] section in foundry.toml is properly set up by following the instructions in Configuring RPC urls.

Deployments are executed through the SuperchainERC20Deployer.s.sol script. This script deploys tokens across each specified chain in the deployment configuration using Create2, ensuring deterministic contract addresses for each deployment. The script targets the L2NativeSuperchainERC20.sol contract by default. If you need to modify the token being deployed, either update this file directly or point the script to a custom token contract of your choice.

To execute a token deployment run:

pnpm contracts:deploy:token

Best practices for deploying SuperchainERC20

Use Create2 to deploy SuperchainERC20

Create2 ensures that the address is deterministically determined by the bytecode of the contract and the provided salt. This is crucial because in order for cross-chain transfers of SuperchainERC20s to work with interop, the tokens must be deployed at the same address across all chains.

crosschainMint and crosschainBurn permissions

For best security practices SuperchainERC20Bridge should be the only contract with permission to call crosschainMint and crosschainBurn. These permissions are set up by default when using the SuperchainERC20 contract.

๐Ÿงช E2E Tests

The packages/e2e-test directory contains simple end-to-end integration tests using vitest that run against supersim


Before running the tests, ensure you have:

  1. Completed all steps in the Getting Started section
  2. Initialized your environment variables (pnpm init:env)

Running the Tests

pnpm e2e-test

The tests will run against your local supersim instance.

๐ŸŒ‰ Example: How to bridge a SuperchainERC20 token to another chain

Note: Interop is currently in active development and not yet ready for production use. This example uses supersim in order to demonstrate how cross-chain transfers will work once interop is live.

Note: this example uses a pre-funded test account provided by anvil for all transactions and as the owner of the L2NativeSuperchainERC20. The address of this account is 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266 and private key is 0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80

1. Follow the steps in the Getting started section.

After completing these steps, you will have the following set up:

  • supersim running in autorelay mode with two L2 chains
  • The L2NativeSuperchainERC20 token deployed on both chains

2. Find the address and owner of the L2NativeSuperchainERC20 token that was deployed.

The address that the token in step 1 was deployed to and the address of the owner of the token can be found in the deployment.json file under the "deployedAddress" and "ownerAddress" fields. The deployedAddress address will be used for any token interactions in the next steps and the private key of the ownerAddress will need to be used for step 3 since minting requires owner privileges. In this example deployment.json file the token in step 1 was deployed at 0x5BCf71Ca0CE963373d917031aAFDd6D98B80B159 and the owner address is 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266:

# example
  "deployedAddress": "0x5BCf71Ca0CE963373d917031aAFDd6D98B80B159",
  "ownerAddress": "0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266"

3. Mint tokens to transfer on chain 901

The following command creates a transaction using cast to mint 1000 L2NativeSuperchainERC20 tokens. Replace <deployed-token-address> with the deployedAddress from deployment.json, replace <recipient-address> with the address you would like to send the tokens to, and replace <owner-address-private-key> with the private key of the ownerAddress from step deployment.json.

cast send <deployed-token-address> "mintTo(address _to, uint256 _amount)" <recipient-address> 1000  --rpc-url --private-key <owner-address-private-key>

4. Initiate the send transaction on chain 901

Send the tokens from Chain 901 to Chain 902 by calling SendERC20 on the SuperchainTokenBridge. The SuperchainTokenBridge is an OP Stack predeploy and can be located at address 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000028. Replace <deployed-token-address> with the deployedAddress from deployment.json, replace <recipient-address> with the address you would like to send the tokens to, and replace <token-sender-private-key> with the private key of the recipient address from step 3.

cast send 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000028 "sendERC20(address _token, address _to, uint256 _amount, uint256 _chainId)" <deployed-token-address> <recipient-address> 1000 902 --rpc-url --private-key <token-sender-private-key>

5. Wait for the relayed message to appear on chain 902

In a few seconds, you should see the RelayedMessage on chain 902:

# example
INFO [11-01|16:02:25.089] SuperchainTokenBridge#RelayERC20 token=0x5BCf71Ca0CE963373d917031aAFDd6D98B80B159 from=0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266 to=0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8 amount=1000 source=901

6. Check the balance on chain 902

Verify that the balance for the recipient of the L2NativeSuperchainERC20 on chain 902 has increased:

cast balance --erc20 <deployed-token-address> <recipient-address> --rpc-url

๐Ÿค Contributing

Contributions are encouraged, but please open an issue before making any major changes to ensure your changes will be accepted.

โš–๏ธ License

Files are licensed under the MIT license.

License information