
This is a repo containing an application for the SkydropX Backend Challenge.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SkydropX Developer Challenges

NodeJS Engineer Challenge

Welcome to my solution of this interesting challenge. This is an APP that contains a RESTful API that allows you to realize CRUD operations with users.

Example User

company: 'Example Company 1',
email: 'examplemail1@mail.com',
first_name: 'Example User 1',
last_name: 'Example Resu 1',
url: 'http://exampleurl1.com',
text: 'Example Description 1'


You can see full documentation with cURL examples going to this link: Postman Documentation.


You can explore a production ready deployment running on Heroku here: SkydropxNodejs.

This back-end project was created with:

  • Technologies:

    • Node.js 16.9.1 (and runs with any Node 16.x version).
    • Express (framework).
    • Joi (for data validation).
    • PostgreSQL (for storing data in staging and prod environments).
    • Sqlite (for storing data in dev and testing environments).
    • i18next (for internationalization).
    • Jest (for unit testing).
  • Mode:

    • This project was created using a TDD approach. I just have to quick coding tests because of the time, but ALL the basic endpoints functionalities were tested before they were implemented.
  • Project structure and design:

    • Clean architecture using feature-oriented paradigm and snake_case for directories and files naming.


I created a Cronjob that runs every 10 seconds (time could be change easily). It consist on a function that searchs for pending ids of users that previously was requested using the GET endpoint, but for any reason couldn't be created (Reqres fails, our DB fails or our SERVER fails). It will search a table called pending_users for any pending_ids to be created and then will search into Reqres for user info to create it into our DB. It works wonderful!!

How to run this project locally?

Step by step:

Pre-running instructions:

  • Make sure to have node v16.x.x and npm v7.x.x installed.

  • Make sure to have _sequelize-cli installed: npm install sequelize-cli -g.

  • Make sure to have PostgreSQL installed in your machine and have a username, password and two DB created: skydropbx-prod and skydropx-stag.

  • Make sure to have pm2 installed in your machine: npm install pm2 -g.

Running instructions:

  • Clone this repo and cd into it.
  • Search a file called .envexample and change its name for .env.
    • As you can see, there are already some values for test, dev, stage and prod environments.
    • Change this values: POSTGRES_USERNAME_PROD, POSTGRES_PASSWORD_PROD, POSTGRES_USERNAME_STAG, POSTGRES_PASSWORD_STAG. You must put your username and password used in your Postgres configuration.
  • Open a terminal in the current directory an run npm install command and wait till it finish to install all the dependencies.
  • Run npm start and app will be running in prod using Postgres and pm2. The APP is ready to be used.
  • If for any reason you can start application with npm start just use npm start:dev for running app in dev mode using sqlite.

Thank you for this opportunity.

I hope you enjoy it!

Best regards, MrTrukiny!