
E-commerce application built using TypeScript, React, Express, and SQLite

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Geekly Media Shop E-Commerce

Welcome to this amazing app built using TypeScript, React, Express and SQLite.

Steps to run locally

  • First of all, make sure to have the following:

    • Node.js > 18
    • .env files created in both client and server folders (following the .env.examples). I'm sharing my sandbox API so you can use Paypal functionality.
  • Located on the root of the app, run in Terminal npm run dev. This command will immediately run client and server and will create a database with some migration seeds. You can go to http://localhost:5173 and see the magic.



You can use my Paypal sandbox personal credentials to run mock payments using the real Paypal API.


  • As a User:
    • See All Products, Search Products, see Product Details, Add and remove products from Cart, Purchase Products.
    • See Profile, see Orders and their information.
    • Add Reviews to Products.
  • As and Admin:
    • All the capabilities of a regular User, plus:
      • See All products, edit them, and delete them.
      • See All Orders and mark them as delivered.
      • See all Users, edit them and delete them.

Missing things

  • Unit and Integration tests.
  • Client and Server validations on forms.
  • Some other things that I really would change if this was a real life application.

Last Words

Thank you for this opportunity, I enjoyed to do this e-commerce app. It was a good refresher.