
Repository that'll contain the website Twinkle Tycho for NASA Space Apps 2022

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



Project concept

This project consists of performing the NASA Space Apps Marathon 2022 challenge, our team's theme is TWINKLE, TWINKLE, LITTLE STAR, we use ReactJS to perform the project, along with the help of libraries that will be listed below
The site created has Six main tabs planned:

  1. Home - Page to introduce the reader to the content of the site, where we provide descriptions of which main sections can be found, all these texts have a redirect to the respective section.

  2. Visualizer - Page destined to present the special star viewer added by the group, inside it, it is possible to search and choose celestial bodies to verify more details about them. Also, it was made the inclusion of some examples and Variable Stars predicted by the group during the Machine Learning inclusion step, to classify stars, verifying if there is or not the presence of stellar variations. Finally, this tab also presents the reader with a legend and which functions are present in the visualizations, as well as how to use them.

  3. Learn - This page contains a way to teach the reader about the subject of Variable Stars, with a series of educational videos made by the group during the challenge, the reader will be able to watch them and at the end of all the videos, test his knowledge obtained in a quiz created by the members.

  4. Start Simulation - In this section, there is the inclusion of a game made by the team, with the goal of allowing the reader to have an immersion in the subject, creating their own star. From options within the game, a programming flow is established and at the end, the reader is shown the final result generated, with a brief description of the star created and its variable behavior that can be observed in the form of a gif.

  5. Resources - On this page the reader can see all the data that was used by the group, as well as the software and libraries used. At the bottom of the page there is a section that tells how the group was formed and individual pictures of each member.

  6. Chatbot - The chatbot is not a page, but a function that is present throughout the site interactively. The reader can ask questions to an artificial intelligence instantiated by the group on the site, which was trained with data generated in an authorial way. With this, it is possible to learn more about the subject of the challenge and the functioning of the application, besides discovering several curiosities found by the group during the project in a playful and practical way.

Prerequisites and resources used

For the project to be realized, the following dependencies for ReactJS were used:

  1. ReactJS: 0.17.1
  2. React-router-dom: 5.2.0
  3. Node Sass: 4.14.1
  4. jQuery
  5. Aladim Lite
  6. IBM Watson Assistant

Step by step

  1. The team of 6 people met during 01/10/2022 and 02/10/2022, for 48 hours we collected data from NASA to feed our application
  2. I created the project and mapped the routes through React-router-dom
  3. I created the common components that could be used in the whole project
  4. I researched the libraries that use geolocation to be included inside our site
  5. During the middle of the competition, we finalized a game to make people aware of their actions by including it within the web application
  6. Finally, we did predictive analysis on the increase of temperatures within our country, so that it may be possible to alert the population and suggest practices that decrease damage to their physiological systems


To install the project dependencies locally, use the instruction below:

  1. After downloading the project, type yarn install in terminal and wait for the dependencies to install, after that, go to the Execution step


To run the program you need to install the dependencies used, which are in the package.json and after that run the project,to be operations, use the commands below:

  1. Type yarn start in the terminal to run the project in development mode.

Web application authored in ReactJS