real_world_math_backend README

This is frontend section. will need a the backend to this project which you can find here:

Video Walkthrough

tools used

React/Redux, Javascript, Ruby on Rails, React router


Api that fetches a random inspirational quote. Users will get a random question from the backend database. Users can sign in or sign up to post comments under a question.


This project was made with goal of being multuple choice question and answer for real world math problems. However, questions right now are very basic as i'm still building out some features.


Fork and clone repo

$ git clone
$ git clone

Using two terminals, switch to each respective directory

$ cd real_world_math_frontend
$ cd real_world_math_backend

Backend terminal instructions:

$ bundle install
$ rails db:migrate
$ rails db:seed
$ rails s

Frontend terminal instructions:

$ npm install
$ npm start


Default home page will give a random quote from an api for inspiration

You can sign up or sign in via the nav bar button at the top to store already answered questions, and also leave comments underneath a given question

The get question button will give a question with multiple choice questions


Most challenging aspect of this project was changing data through redux.

future implementations

ui overhaul. Email to be sent out weekly to user with new question.


This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.