
android adb logcat viewer for Linux/Mac/Windows

Primary LanguageTcl


android adb logcat viewer for Linux/Mac/Windows

This is written in tcl/tk.


  • Colored log. logtype detection is supported. like time threadtime brief process, and eclipse copied, studio copied logs.
  • Filtering by keywords. This is done by awk regular expression like awk '/key|word/ {print}'
  • Searching keyword and highlighting it.
  • Saving log.
  • Can read saved logs in a file.
  • View adb logcat logs from a device.


You need to prepare commands: wish, awk, and adb.

Linux: tk package, android-sdk for adb, awk.

Mac: android-sdk for adb

Windows: bash, wish, awk, android-sdk for adb. I recommed to install msys-git. This contains git, bash, awk, wish.


Linux: pacman -S awk tk android-tools apt-get install awk tk android-tools

Mac: prepare android-sdk

Windows: I tested my-app on msysgit enviroment. Install from : https://git-for-windows.github.io/ Or active tcl may work().


To boot app

Linux/Mac user

wish src/LogCatch.tcl --dir src

Windows user Assuming you have done installed msys-git.

wish src/LogCatch.tcl --dir src
  • Or simply double click logcatch.vbs in the folder.
  • Please create shortcut lancher by yourself.

To see log from devices after app launched, do below please.

  • you should select android-sdk-directory or adb including directory from popup window.
  • click "Devices" button to see device list connected to usb. after click Devices, devices name will list in "Source:".
  • click Device name then log will be shown in window.


Author: Hirohito Sasaki email: pikey8706@gmail.com