My software architecture course at Ynov

Here are all my notes and demonstration code of the different design patterns seen in class.

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Software Architecture Cheat Sheet


Global concepts

There are overarching project concepts that should apply to any project typology.


A utility is a piece of code that is reusable in any project to perform repeated actions. An abstract class in an object-oriented project with only static functions, utilities are said to be "stateless". This meaning that they do not store any data. They only used to perform an action / process data.


A "helper" is a bit like a utility. It is a piece of code that is used in a project to make repeated actions that cannot be classified in other concepts. Abstract class in an oriented project which can be "stateful" (but most of the time is not), they are used to performing a / action. process project-specific data. Helpers are specific to a project, so they are not reusable across different projects, unlike utilities.

Oriented Object concepts


A class groups together a set of methods and properties that make up an object. It is a kind of specification sheet of this one.

A class can also have methods and class properties, declared `static'. This allows to use them without have to instantiate an object from this class or share data between all instantiated objects of this class.


class ExampleClass {


A class is immutable if it is not possible to modify the properties of the object after its instantiation, it does not have a setter. The only way to have an object of this same class with other data is to create a new instance. Either manually or via a function provided by the class.


class ImmutableExampleClass {
     * Example of immutable property 
     * @var string
    private string $immutablePropertyExample;
     * ImmutableExampleClass constructor.
     * @param string $immutablePropertyExample
    public function __construct(string $immutablePropertyExample) {
        $this->immutablePropertyExample = $immutablePropertyExample;
    * Example of immutable property 
    * @return string
    public  function getImmutablePropertyExample(): string{
        return $this->immutablePropertyExample;
    public function getOutput(): string {
        return $this->immutablePropertyExample . ' of some process';
     * Function to create a new object form this immutable class with an additional string
     * @param string $immutablePropertyExample
     * @return ImmutableExampleClass
    public function createNew(string $immutablePropertyExample):ImmutableExampleClass {
        return new ImmutableExampleClass($this->immutablePropertyExample . ' ' . $immutablePropertyExample);

$immutableObject = new ImmutableExampleClass('Example');

$newImmutableObject = new ImmutableExampleClass($immutableObject->getImmutablePropertyExample() . '2');
// OR
$newImmutableObject = $immutableObject->createNew('2');

Declared with the keyword abstract, an abstract class is not instantiable, you can't use the keyword `new' on this class. This allows to create parent classes that bring together the logic common to several classes without having to duplicate it. The classes children automatically have the mother classes available, except for abstract functions.


abstract class ExampleAbstractClass {

Abstract functions

Abstract functions allow you to create a contract with the child classes to ensure that they implement a function, such as an interface. This can be useful when there is only one function to implement, it avoids a interface declaring a single function.

Abstract functions have an additional advantage because they can be "protected"! This means that you can declare an abstract function used in a "classical" function of the class.


abstract class ExampleClass {
    abstract public function exampleAbstractPublicFunction();
    abstract protected function exampleAbstractProtectedFunction();


Traits are like mixins in Sass or VueJs, this allows to extract pieces of class features to avoid code duplication.


trait ExampleTrait {
    * Example trait property
    * @var string
   public string $exampleTraitProperty;
    * Example trait property getter
    * @return string
    public function getExampleTraitProperty():string {
        return $this->exampleTraitProperty;
    * Example trait property setter
    * @param $value
    * @return self
    public function setExampleTraitProperty($value) {
      $this->exampleTraitProperty = $value;
      return $this;


The singleton is a development concept to ensure that a class is instantiated only once time during the execution of the project.


class SingletonExampleClass
     * Singleton instance storage property
     * @var Object
    private static Object $singleton_instance;

     * Example singleton getter
     * @return object
    public static function getSingleton():object
        if (self::$singleton_instance == null) {
            self::$singleton_instance = (object) 'Example';
        return self::$singleton_instance;


Allows you to create a contract with the classes. All classes that implement an interface have the obligation to implement the functions declared in this interface. The functions declared in an interface are necessarily public because the reverse is not useful. The objective is to be able to guarantee that the object we have has implemented certain methods whatever the class.


interface ExampleInterface {
     * Example of method signature declared in interface
     * @return mixed
    public function exampleMustImplementedFunction();


An entity is a class that is necessarily instantiable because it is linked to an object in the business logic of the project.


class User {
    * Username property
    * @var string username
   public string $username;
    * User constructor.
    * @param string $username
   public function __construct(string $username) {
    $this->username = $username;
    * Username Getter
    * @return string
   public function getUsername():string {
       return $this->username;
    * @param string $username
    * @return string
   public function setUsername(string $username):string {
    $this->username = $username;
    return $this->username;


A factory allows you to create objects programmatically. This is useful when you want to instantiate the right class among children of a parent class conditionally and apply treatment to the object before use.


A manager is a helper specific to an entity. This allows to separate the processing logic of an entity from more global processing.


Allows you to link values and constants. This improves the readability and security of the code.


// Declare it
class ExampleType {
   const OK = 1;
   const NO = 2;

// Use it
class ExampleClass {
    public int $index = ExampleType::OK;

Auto load - PHP

Autoload is a very handy tool that allows you to replace require and include files automatically. This tool is based on a Namespace that corresponds to the file path from the root of the sources declared in the composer.json config file.

Setting it up
  1. To start you must have initialized composer.

    composer init
  2. Then you have to declare the auto-load parameters. To do this you need to add the following configuration to the file composer.json.

    "autoload": {
        "psr-4": {
            "App\\" : "src/"

    App\\ corresponds to the namespace root and src/ to the resolution of this namespace for the source root folder.

  3. In order for it to work, you must ask to composer to generate the necessary files. composing dump-autoload This will generate a vendor directory that should not be committed because it is useless.
