swuJudgement(GUI && Automatic submission)

A small software for Southwest University judgement automatically


You can find the software at the following link:


swuJudgement requires the following to run (of course the release require nothing):

  • Python 3.4.x+


It's very simple to use . Open it and get everything.

In addition to the last item is a ,the rest are . If you want to make some change , help yourself to download the code and change the choices,but I strongly recommend that you don't do that because we write directly the choices in the code(not in a config file).


Please be free to contribute to swuJudgement , clone this repo locally and commit your code on a separate branch.

I strongly hope you can add the feature that people could make their own choices in the judgement.


swuJudgement is licensed under the GPL license.

Copyright © 2016 , xndxcsd